Chapter 19

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   Sam's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open and I tried to get them to focus on something, anything. I don't remember what happened. Don't know where I am. I looked around, sighing. I'm in a hospital room.

James and Ben are here. They must have stayed here all night. What happened to me? How did I end up here?

I was starting to get frustrated. Why couldn't I remember anything?

Ben began to stir, I watched him quietly, just to see if he would wake up.

He groaned a bit, and I couldn't help but laugh.

Ben's eyes opened slowly and he looked up at me, smiling when he saw I was awake. "Sam! You're awake." He said excitedly.

I nodded "Ben, what happened to me?" I asked, hoping he would give me the answers I needed.

Ben sighed and took my hand, sliding his chair closer to me. "We were at the funeral home, Sam." He started.

Wait, why were we at the funeral home? Who died? And where was Danny and Cameron? I didn't like this. Didn't like this at all.

"Why?" I asked softly.

"You don't remember?" He asked, looking as though he might break down in tears at any given moment.

I shook my head. "Should I?" I asked.

Ben gave my hand a light squeeze and he took a deep breath "There was a fire, Sam. Do you remember that?" He asked.

Fire? I don't have any idea what he's talking about. All I knew was I was starting to get scared now. I almost didn't want him to finish telling me what happened.

"No, I don't remember any fire." I said simply, trying to keep myself from crying.

"Well, our house burnt down." He started, biting at his lower lip for a moment. "We lost a lot that night, Sam. More than we were prepared to lose."

I swallowed hard "Where's Cameron and Danny?" I asked.

Tears streamed down Ben's cheeks "They didn't make it, Sam." He said softly.

Wait. What? Did he really just say Danny and Cameron didn't make it? They died? No. He's lying. I think I would remember losing the love of my life.

"No. Ben don't you fucking lie to me. Where the hell is Cameron?" I asked a bit louder, causing James to wake up. "This isn't funny. I want to know where he is."

James looked from me to Ben, back to me "He's not lying, Sam. We lost them. That's why we were at the funeral home. And that's when you passed out." He informed me.

If what they say is true, why couldn't I remember any of it? Why am I drawing a blank on everything. I'm scared. I've never dealt with anything like this before and I wasn't sure how to handle it now.

"I'm so sorry, Sam." Ben said, shaking his head as he turned to look away for a moment. It wasn't long until James had grabbed my free hand, giving it a squeeze.

"If this is true, then why can't I remember anything?" I asked, confused.

"You don't remember anything at all?" I asked, turning to look at Ben.

Sam shook his head. "I don't remember anything at all. I'm scared, what's happening to me?" He asked.

I shook my head and pressed the call button.

"Yes?" A nurse said through the speakers.

"Can we get a doctor in here, please?" I asked.

"One moment." She replied.

"Everything is going to be okay, Sam. We're going to get to the bottom of it. I promise." I assured him, giving his hand a light squeeze.

He nodded and looked up as soon as the doctor walked in.

"Oh, Mr. Bettley, I see you woke up. I guess bringing your friends in here was a good idea afterall." He said with a smile.

"Yeah, except he doesn't remember the fire...or anything after that." Ben added.

"Could you two step outside for a moment?" He asked "I'd like to ask Sam a few questions"

We nodded and stepped outside, watching as the doctor pulled up a chair next to Sam's bed.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked, leaning against the wall outside his room.

Ben shook his head. "Hopefully the doctor can tell us something soon." He said.

The door opened slowly and the doctor stepped outside. "Get some rest, Sam. I'll come back and see you in the morning," He said, shutting the door.

"Is he okay?" I asked.

The doctor nodded. "Yes, he's okay. He has amnesia. It was triggered by the loss of Cameron and Danny. That's why he doesn't remember any of that. His mind doesn't want him to remember right now. Sometimes that can be a defense mechanism." He began, looking at both of us.

"So, how does he get better?" Ben asked.

"For right now, treat him as you always have. He has to be ready to deal with this loss on his own time. Pushing him could do more harm than good. He remembers everything before that, so as long as you don't mention the fire anymore, everything should be good." He said, "You're welcome to stay here tonight if you'd like. Keep talking to him, keep him happy and sooner or later it will all come out. And when it does, he's going to need the two of you more than he ever has before." He added before shaking our hands and walking away.

I opened the door and smiled softly. Sam had fallen asleep again. "He's sleeping." I told Ben as I stepped inside his room and took my seat back in the chair.

Ben followed me and took out his phone "I'm going to call the guys and let them know how he is and that we're not coming home tonight.

I nodded. The only way we'd be leaving was when Sam was able to come with us.

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