Chapter 20

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Sam's P.O.V

Have you ever went to bed remembering everything, only to wake up the next day with your head empty? That's how I feel now.

I don't remember anything about the fire that was supposed to have happened. The same fire that took my brother and my baby from me.

Ben and James weren't going through this. Why was this happening to me? Why did I have to forget things I should know about?

It's kind of scary knowing you're missing important things that have happened recently.

I let my eyes slip closed for a moment, trying to keep myself from breaking down before opening them once more.

I sighed softly and looked up when I saw the nurse enter the room.

She grinned as she approached my bed. "I'll try to be as quiet as I can so I don't disturb them." She began, turning on the machine to check my blood pressure.

I nodded. "Yeah, they need they're rest." I said softly, smiling as I looked down at my two brothers who were still sleeping soundly.

"Vitals are looking good, Sam. Keep this up and he might let you go home soon." She said with a smile.

Home? I don't even know what that is anymore.  Home, for me is where Cameron is. Always has been and always will be.

The nurse left the room and once again I was left alone with my thoughts. I don't like this feeling. Don't like it one bit. 

I took a deep breath and grabbed my phone. It had been a minute since I'd been on any kind of social media, so I figured why not.

I wish now I hadn't.

If there is one thing I'm thankful for it's our fans. We honestly have the best fans anyone could ever ask for. Fans that always stick by us no matter what. Fans that are really more like family than anything else. 

I logged on twitter and noticed 'fire' was trending. Not thinking anything about it, I clicked on it. Tears immediately filled my eyes as I read through some of the comments. 

'I can't believe Cameron and Danny are really dead' One girl wrote.

'Maybe now AA will stop making that horrible music.'

'That's why Danny and Cameron died, so we didn't have to suffer through their shitty music anymore.'

'#AAFamilyForever, #RipDannyWorsnop, #RIPCameronLiddell'

I swallowed hard as I continued to read through their messages.

'Sam- I hope you're able to get through whatever it is you're going through right now. I can't even imagine the pain you're going through. You're strong though. And not only do you have the love and support from the guys & your family, you also have the love and support from all of us. We love you.'

'I hope Ben & Sam are okay. I can't fathom what they must be dealing with now. It's got to be hard on them. We love you'


I sighed and turned my phone off. It seemed like for every nice comment, there had to be a few negative comments in it's place.

I missed Cameron. I missed Danny. This wasn't fare. They should both be here now. They should be here, I shouldn't be in this hospital and we should all be together. 

That's the way it should be. Not the way it was.

I heard some movement coming from one of the sleeping people at the sides of my bed. I looked down to see James was now awake, staring at me.

"Morning, you feeling okay?" He asked softly. 

I shook my head. No since lying to him. I wasn't okay. And let's face it, I knew I never would be again. Not without him. 

"I hate this,James" I started. "Hate that I can't remember any of this. I don't know why this is happening to me." 

James shook his head "I wish I knew. All I know for sure is, Ben and I will be here for you through it all. Whatever you need, you got it. okay?" He said, offering a small smile.

That was one thing I loved about James. He cared more about others than himself. I knew James was hurting too. He loved Cameron and Danny too. But, that didn't stop him from making sure Ben & I were okay. 

I love that guy. 

"Thanks, James" I started "I don't know what Ben and I would do without you."

He shook his head once more "You don't have to thank me. That's what families are for. They help each other when they need it the most." He said softly.

I nodded.

"So, when they let you out, you're coming back to my house. Okay? No questions asked. Both you and Ben are. That way I can look after you both. I don't want you guys alone, and honestly, I don't know if I could handle being alone either." He admitted.

I nodded in agreement. The last thing I wanted, or any of us needed was to be alone. If we were going to get through this, we had to stick together. 

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