Chapter 23

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James' P.O.V

Andy had been calling me nonstop. Wanting updates on Sam every hour. That's when he was first brought in. Now, he only expects them every 4 hours.

I know he's worried. We all are. None of us can handle losing someone else. We wouldn't survive.

Not again.

I sighed and leaned back against the chair, my eyes locked on the man sleeping on the bed beside me.

I wished things could be back to the way they used to be. Wished Danny and Cameron were still with us. Things wouldn't be this complicated if they were.

Cameron would know what to do. He always knew what to do.

Boy, he loved Sam. Loved him more than I even think Sam knew.

They were perfect for each other. We knew there was something between them, even before they were willing to admit it.

They complimented one another in ways no one else had before. In ways no one else could.

They were supposed to get married and live happily ever after. That was what was supposed to happen.

Same with Ben and Danny. They'd been talking about adopting a child one day. They both loved children so much. That would have made their little family complete.

How do you help two of your best friends pick up the pieces of their lives and move on? Act as though their hearts aren't completely shattered in two?

Even if they didn't say it, I could see it. I knew it was true.

Everyone knew it was true.

I was brought back to reality when the nurse quietly entered the room. She smiled when she saw both Sam and Ben were fast asleep.

She patted me on the shoulder and quietly walked over to Sam's bed.

"His vitals look good. The doctor said as long as they stay this way, he can go home around lunch time." The nurse said, smiling at me.

I returned the smile and nodded, thanking her. "Thank you, ma'am. It will be nice to be at home again. Not that we haven't enjoyed seeing your smiling face everyday." I added.

She smiled and shook her head "I bet you say that to all the girls." She laughed, opening the door. "If you need anything, sugar don't hesitate to ask." She said as she stepped outside the room, shutting the door behind her."

I pulled out my phone and decided to text Andy. I doubted he was up now, but if I didn't at least attempt to let him know what was going on, he wouldn't forgive me.

"Hey, the nurse said she talked to the doctor and as long as his vitals keep looking good, he can come home lunchtime." I sent the text, resting my head against the bed.

I wasn't trying to go to sleep, I really wasn't. I guess the lack of sleep has started to get to all of us, because the next thing I know they were waking me up saying we could go home.

"Shit, I didn't mean to pass out." I laughed, yawning as I stretched my arms up and over my head.

Ben laughed and shook his head "it's okay, mate." He started, helping Sam grab his things "you were tired. Plus, we haven't been up but about 30 minutes ourselves."

I laughed and grabbed the hospital bag with his belongings in it and headed out the door and down the hallway.

We stopped at the nurses station and all the nurses smiled when they saw us pushing Sam toward the exit.

"You leaving us?" They asked.

Sam nodded, grinning.

"Good. Now, we don't wanna see any of you back in here. Got it? Unless it's just for a visit." They added.

"You got it." I said, saying our goodbyes, pushing Sam outside the hospital.

"Go ahead and text Andy and tell him we're out and will be back soon." I said.

Ben nodded and pulled out his phone, typing something quickly before stuffing the phone back in his pocket.

"Alright." He started, helping Sam in the car. "Let's go home.

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