Chapter 16

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Sam's P.O.V

Apparently today is the day we have the final viewing of Cameron and Danny's bodies before the funeral.

I don't want any part of this. Cameron's not dead. But, I know if I don't, the guys are going to worry about me even more.

That was the last thing I needed.

I sighed and pulled myself out of bed. Cameron was gone. I shrugged it off and went about my business and threw on some decent looking clothing and headed out to the kitchen.

I knew someone would be up and coffee would be brewing.

I grinned when I saw Andy standing over the sink, fixing him a cup of coffee.

"Morning Mr. Biersack" I laughed softly, grabbing another mug from the cabinet.

"Hey Sam" He said, offering me a small smile.

He wanted to say something to me. Wanted to talk to me about the fire. About Cameron. But instead he pulled out one of the chairs, taking a seat at the table.

"So, I've made a real mess out of things Sam." He started "I'm with Ashley, and I love him, but I can't stop thinking about Matt."'he swallowed hard, shaking his head "I'm still in love with him, Sam. I hate myself for feeling this way, but I can't help it."

Wow. And I thought I had problems.

"Andy" I started softly "you're only human. You can't control who you love. Ya know? Hell, we all thought for sure you and Matt were going to make it. You're just one of those couples everyone wants to be like." I smiled.

Andy sighed softly. "Yeah. And if I hadn't of made such a mess of everything we might still be together today. And I wouldn't have involved poor Ashley in all of this." He said.

Andy was such a nice guy. Always had been. He cared more about others feelings than his own.

"You know, you can still talk to Matt. It's not too late for you." I reminded him.

He nodded and offered a small smile when James and Ben came in the kitchen.

"Morning." Andy said.

"Morning" Ben replied. "We've gotta leave here in 30 minutes." He said, lookin from me to James.

We both nodded.

I hated this.

Wanted no part of it.

Maybe they'd finally see. See what I see.

Cameron's not dead.

"Good luck." Andy said as we headed toward the door.

James shut the door behind us and we all climbed in James truck.

I didn't speak. Didn't really know what to say. I guess they didn't either because the entire ride to the funeral home was spent in silence.

I took a breath as James parked the truck and one by one we all piled out of the car and headed up the stairs.

Two men opened the doors for us, offering us warm smiles as we entered.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." They said, patting me and Ben on the back.

I nodded, still trying to keep an open mind about the situation.

The funeral director met us in the hallway. "Hey guys. How are we feeling today?" He asked.

Ben shrugged "we've been better" he said.

"Of course" He said, pointing down the hall. "We have them in here." He said as he led us down to the room.

"Now, you three take as much time as you need in here. There's no rush at all. If you need something, we'll be right out here." He said, turning and shutting the doors behind him.

There were two open caskets in the center of the room. Flowers lined both sides of the walls. Beautiful flowers. There had been two big pictures of Danny and Cameron blown up and each sat next to the caskets.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of Cameron's picture. Why was I suddenly getting this strange, unsettling feeling?

There were picture of all of us together on the table when you walked inside. I couldn't help but look at those for a moment.

Ben had slowly made his way to where Danny lie. He hesitated a bit before sticking his hand inside, running his hand across his husbands forehead. "I'm so sorry this happened to you, baby." He cried, resting his head on the side of the casket.

My heart broke for him. James was instantly by his side, and I was slowly making my way toward the one that was supposed to be holding the love of my life.

I took a deep breath as I stopped in front, looking down at the man lying there.

No. This couldn't be. Cameron wasn't dead! He had just been with me the night before. So, why did this person lying here look like him?

"No." I said, shaking my head "No. there has to be some mistake." I said, pointing down at Cameron's body. "That's not Cameron! Who the fuck is that and why would they try and look like him?!" I yelled.

Ben and James ran to me, trying their best to wrap their arms around me. I jerked away from them "someone tell me who the hell this is!" Tears were forming in the corner of my eyes and i fought hard to keep them at bay.

"Sam, we tried to tell you bro." James said, still trying to comfort me.

"This doesn't make any sense. I was just with Cameron last night." I said.

Ben shook his head "no, no you weren't Sam. Cameron and Danny both died that night." He cried.

I shook my head, trying to run out of the room but Ben finally stopped me. He wrapped his arms around me from behind, holding me tight "I'm so sorry Sam. I'm so so sorry." He cried.

"No...." I shook my head "Cameron. No" I cried, feeling my knees grow weak.

James came up, wrapping his arms around both of us.

Cameron was gone. He was really gone.

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