Chapter 6

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Ben's P.O.V

The world seemed to be moving in slow motion. Could this really be happening? Again?

I turned my head slightly, looking at the now empty bed. My heart was racing and I felt like it was going to beat out of my chest.

Shaking my head, I looked up when a nurse cane into the room, asking us if we needed anything.

What kind of question is that? Of course we need something.  But, it's nothing you can give us.

We need Danny and Cameron to be okay. We need them to be here now.

I shook my head, offering the woman a small smile.

You could tell the woman was a very compassionate person. She nodded her head slowly, looking as if she might break down at any moment herself.

"Take all the time you need. If you need anything, anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask. My names Kim" she said as she quietly stepped out of the room.

I knew we had to eventually go, we all knew it. But, right now, we didn't want too. 

We'd lost so much in just a short amount of time. It was enough to drive anyone crazy. I worried about Sam. He'd been so dependent on Cameron for so long. How was this going to affect him in the days/weeks/months to come. 

I cleared my throat finally,giving the two men a light squeeze."I think we should go home now..." My words were cut short when I realized I no longer had a home. The thought hadn't really crossed my mind much. There'd been too much other shit to deal with. 

Sam nodded. "Yeah, let's get out of here..."

"You can both stay with me" James finally said, wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand. 

I nodded and with one more look at the empty bed, we headed out the door and outside. 

There was a chill to the air, one that hadn't been there. Hell, maybe it had been there. Who knows. I guess I wasn't really paying too much attention to the temperature at the time. 

It wasn't until we looked for our vehicle for about 10 minutes when we realized we'd rode in the ambulance here and would need to call a cab.

A few minutes later, a cab pulled into the hospital, stopping directly in front of us. We climbed in the back, sighing as the driver asked where we were headed.

James told him his address and turned his attention to the window to his right. Sam remained silent, and that worried me more than him crying. I swallowed hard, resting my head against the cold window. 

The cab came to a stop and I looked up, James' house in front of us. James took out his wallet and paid the man as I slid out of the car, walking around the other side of the car. I smiled softly and thanked the driver as he grabbed the wheelchair out of the trunk and helped James into it. "Do you fellas need anymore help?" He asked. 

I shook my head and thanked him again for all his help. It was nice to know there were still good people out there. Ones who truly did only want to help others.

Nodding his head, the man climbed back inside the car and pulled off slowly. 

My feet seemed to be glued in place at first and I stood there and stared at the house I'd spent more than one drunken night at. James took a deep breath and rolled himself to the door, fishing his keys out of his pocket. 

Soon, the door was open and we all walked inside. Even though this wasn't our home, we'd all spent so much time here, I could almost hear Danny and Cameron's voices throughout the house. 

Snap out of it, Ben. They're gone. both of them. And they're not coming back. Not this time. 

James biting at his lower lip looked to Sam, a look of worry and concern plastered across his features. 

"Sam? Are you okay mate?" He asked. 

Sam shook his head, but remained silent as he headed down the hall to the room he'd shared with Cameron so many times before. 

I sighed and helped myself to a pack of cigarettes on the drummers coffee table. He smiled slightly and grabbed one for himself.

Smoking is a terrible habit. One I hope to stop at some point in my life. I flopped down on the couch, lighting the thin stick. Inhaling and exhaling slowly I let my eyes slip closed for a moment as images of Danny hit me. 

"I still feel like it's a bad dream" James started, causing me to jump ever so slightly. "Like, this is some sick ass joke. They'll walk in, we'll all be happy and then start beating the shit out of them for scaring us like that." He said. 

Oh how I wish that were true. I thought as I took another hit off the cigarette in my hand. "I know right. It doesn't feel real." I began "It probably won't till we have the funeral and shit," I added. 

Oh hell. The funeral. How were we going to get through that? So many things still needed to be done, but honestly, I couldn't seem to bring myself to do it. Not now at least. 

I sighed and rested my head against the back of the couch. "Bad thing is,. that honestly does sound like something Danny would do. Cameron would go along with it just because Danny would swear it would be fun." I laughed softly. 

James nodded and took the last hit off his smoke before putting the butt out in the ashtray on the table in front of us. 

AI turned my head, looking toward the room Sam had went into. 

"Do you think he's going to be okay?" James asked softly. 

I shrugged my shoulders, still looking at the now closed door "I don't know, James. I just don't know"

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