Chapter 4

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Sam's P.O.V

Danny was gone. That hadn't processed in my mind yet. I guess there was still that part of me that hoped he would open his eyes. Please open your eyes Danny.

He never did.

The firemen as well as paramedics arrived soon after. Shouting, sirens, screams. That's all I could hear. Make it stop.

They tried to revive Danny for a couple minutes, but they had to stop. It wasn't doing any good.

Ben was a mess. He tried to keep Danny with him, even when the paramedics tried to take him.

This was hard. Easily one of the hardest things we've ever been through. How would we get through?

The sound of James' voice brought me back into reality. "It's broke, I'm pretty sure" James said "I can't move it." He added.

"Are you two okay?" One of the men asked me and Cameron. I nodded. "We're fine, right baby?"

Cameron nodded and started coughing, hard. The man placed a hand against his shoulder "alright. Let's go get you all checked out. Just in case."

We nodded and watched as they helped James onto the stretcher, and loaded him in the ambulance.

I felt tears running down my face when we saw them cover Danny's face with a white sheet, stepping to the side when the funeral home came to get the body.

Cameron grabbed my hand, shaking his head as he looked at me. "We don't need to watch this." He said as he held out his other hand for Ben.

Ben was hesitant, but took Cameron's hand as he led us inside the back of the ambulance.

"This can't be happening." Ben started "it can't be real."

The truth was, Ben was only saying outloud what the rest of us were thinking"

"We're gonna get through this..." Cameron began, getting cut off by another coughing fit.

I was beginning to worry now.

"I'm fine." He said, offering me a small smile before turning his attention back to Ben. "We are going to be there for you. Every step of the way." He added, taking in a few deep breaths before taking a seat next to me.

I slipped my arm around him, pulling him closer to me. Although the hospital was only a few minutes from the house, it seemed to take forever for us to get there.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the ambulance stopped in front of the hospital emergency entrance.

The men hurried to the back and grabbed James' stretcher, carefully sliding the stretcher out and headed inside with him. We followed closely behind.

I wanted Cameron to get checked out. Soon. He wasn't acting right. Part of me thought it might be because we'd all just suffered a pretty big loss, but that wasn't it. Was there something wrong? Something he wasn't telling me?

I sighed and took a hold of both Ben and Cameron's hands as we walked toward the double doors. We stood there for a moment while they opened and we headed inside.

"Will you go get checked out now?" I asked, looking over at the taller man next to me.

"In a bit. Let's make sure everyone else, and you are okay first. Then, I will baby." He promised.

And although I didn't like it, I agreed. I knew there was no sense in arguing with him. He'd end up doing what he wanted either way.

After a few minutes passed, we were allowed to go back and see James. He was laying on the bed, big bright blue cast on his leg. "It's broke." He frowned when he saw us walk through the door.

I pouted slightly, but was relived he was going to be okay.

The doctor agreed to check on Ben and myself while he was in the room. Ben had inhaled a bit of smoke, but the doctor assured us he would be fine. I had a nice slash down my arm that had apparently been bleeding the entire time. The gash was bad enough to need stitches. Now, I'm sitting here with my arm bandaged up, waiting on Cameron to be called back.

A few seconds later, they took him back to his own room and said the doctor would be in soon. I took his hand in mine and smiled, kissing over each knuckle slowly. "I love you." I said softly.

He mirrored my smile "I love you too, baby. More than words can say."

Finally, the doctor came in his room and looked him over. "Nothing appears to be out of the ordinary, " He began "We'd like to keep him here for a couple of hours just to be on the safe side. Okay?"

As much as Cameron and I hated the idea of being here any longer than we had to be, we agreed.

"Good. I'm going to go check on a couple of patients, I'll be back in a few to see how you are."
He said as he left the room.

"Damn." Cameron said, shaking his head. "I'm so thirsty. And I want something other than water." He laughed.

"Aww, what does my baby want?" I teased.

"Mountain Dew." He said with a grin.

I grinned and nodded, leaning in to press a long kiss to his lips. "I'll be back in a second. Don't you go anywhere." I teased. "I love you." I added as I headed out of the room.

"I promise. I'll be right here when you get back." Cameron said "I love you..."

I took a deep breath as I headed down the hallway, hunting the drink machine. I seemed to always get lost when in this hospital.

Finally I found it. I smiled to myself softly. Suddenly, alarms rang through the hospital "code blue. code blue." Damn. Someone was in trouble.

I felt bad for the person's family. We knew how they were feeling. We had just lost Danny after all.

As I made the way back to Cameron's room, I couldn't help this strange feeling washing over me. I swallowed hard and felt my heart drop when I saw doctors and nurses in and around Cameron's room.

"Mr. Bettley" The doctor stopped me right before I could go inside his room. "We tried to call you. Mr. Liddell passed away.. we're so sorry." He said.

I shook my head, not fully believing what the doctor had just told me. I pushed past him and hurried into Cameron's room.

"Babe, you wouldn't believe the bullshit they're trying to play out there." I said, setting the can on the table next to the bed, still not looking at him. "We have to hurry and get out of here. These doctors aren't fit to take care of patients." I said, feeling a single tear slip down my cheek.

It was then I heard Ben's voice behind me and felt two sets on hands on my back. James and Ben.

I took a shaky breath as my eyes finally fell on the lifeless body of the man I loved. He was gone. Cameron was gone.

"No!" I screamed. "NOOOOOO!"

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