Chapter 18

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Ben's P.O.V

After what seemed like hours, a doctor came in to talk to us.

"Are you the ones who came in with Mr. Bettley?" He asked, looking at me and James.

We nodded. "Yes, how is he?" I asked.

"His vitals are good." He started "but, he still hasn't woke up. Which is a bit concerning" he said.

I swallowed hard, glancing over at James. He had the same look of worry plastered across his face. He was thinking the same thing I was. What if he doesn't wake up?

"Can we see him?" James asked.

The doctor nodded. "In a minute" he started, taking a seat in one of the empty chairs next to ours. "Has Sam been through something lately that would cause him stress?" He asked.

"Yeah" I started, taking a deep breath as James grabbed my hand. "We were in a house fire. We lost everything. My fiancée died and so did his boyfriend. They'd been together for awhile. We went to the funeral home today to view their bodies one last time. Sam kind of freaked out because he honestly thought Cameron was still alive. That he'd came back to him. So, when he finally actually saw Cameron lying there, he flipped." I said.

James nodded. "And that's when he passed out." He added.

"I see" the older man said, jotting a few things down on his notepad.

"When can we see him?" I asked.

"You can go in now. Talk to him, too. It might help bring him out of whatever this is." He said, motioning for us to follow him back to Sam's room.

We stopped in front of the door, looking at each other in reassurance before pushing the door open.

Seemed like we'd been spending a lot of time in the hospital lately. One thing was for sure though; we weren't losing Sam too. It wasn't happening.

We each stood on either side of the bed, each taking one of his hands.

"Come on, Sam." I began, running my thumb lightly across his knuckles.

"Yeah, you've slept long enough." James added.

"Come on, Sam. I know you're scared. I know you're hurt. We all are. But, we have to get through this together. If we don't, I'm not sure we'll be able to do it" I said, a few tears sliding down my cheeks.

James sighed, looking away for a moment to wipe his eyes. "Come on, bro. We've already lost so much, we can't lose you too."

The nurses cane in and out of Sam's room, checking his vitals, giving him stuff through his IV, I was silently hoping it helped. But, I was terrified it wouldn't.

Although it took a bit of begging, the nurse agreed to let us stay with him tonight.

We didn't want him to wake up alone.

It had been days since either of us had gotten and sleep and it was starting to get to us.

Pulling up one of the chairs, janes and I both kept a hold of Sam's hand, while resting our heads on the bed.

It wasn't long till I heard James soft snoring. I laughed slightly as my own eyes slipped closed.

((Filler chapter.))

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