Chapter 8

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I took in a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for what was to come.

Andy and Danny were close. Very close. In fact, at one point in time, people thought they were a couple. Nothing ever came from it. Danny had always been in love with Ben, and Andy, well Andy and Ashley had a relationship for years.

I swallowed hard and let my eyes slip closed "we were all staying with Ben and Danny tonight. We'd all been drinking and decided it was time to pass out." I began.

"Okay, James what is going on? Did something happen?" Andy asked.

"The house caught on fire....Andy, Danny and Cameron are gone." The words had no more left my mouth when the tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"Andy? Andy are you okay?" I asked, sniffling.

There was no sound on the other end. For a moment I thought he'd hung up the phone.

Just as I was about to hang up myself, I heard a voice on the other end "James?" It was Ashley.

"Yeah, it's me ash." I replied. "What happened to Andy?" I asked.

"He's curled in a ball, crying uncontrollably. I don't know what to do or what's going on..." he said, sounding more and more confused.

"Ashley, Ben and Danny's house burned down. Cameron and Danny didn't make it..." I finished the words, and took in a deep, shaky breath.

That was the last thing I wanted to have to tell them. I could hear the change in Ashley's tone immediately, and I felt the tears run down my cheeks.

"Let us get the others and we'll be there soon. Where are you at?" He asked.

"My house." I replied.

"Alright. See ya soon. Oh and James? We love you guys." He said with a sigh.

"We love you too" I began "see you when you get here."

That had went about as bad as I'd thought it would. Andy broke down. That was what I was worried about.

Needless to say, Ashley would have his hands full with Andy now.

I sat my phone down on my leg, as I got a cigarette out of my pack, lighting the thin stick. I inhaled and exhaled the smoke slowly, letting the smoke fill my lungs.

Part of me still didn't believe this had really happened. I didn't want to believe it had happened.

Why do bad things always happen to good people? I wondered. Danny and Cameron were two of the best people I knew. They'd never hurt anyone in their entire lives.

If it were going to happen to someone, why couldn't it have been me? I know they would have missed me, but in time they would have moved on.

Sam's P.O.V

I shot up in the bed, sweating and breathing heavily. I'd just had the worst dream of my life and all I wanted to do right now was have Cameron hold me and tell me it's okay.

I look in the bed next to me. Cameron's not there. Confused, I call out his name "Cameron, baby? Where are you?" I yelled. No answer.

I was growing scared by the second. This wasn't like Cameron.

"Okay, I don't know what's going on, all I want is for you to come lay with me. I had a bad dream." I said.

I sighed and was about to get up when I heard the door open.

"Come here, baby" I said as I opened my arms, waiting for Cameron's embrace.

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