Chapter 13

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Matt's P.O.V

You know it's bad enough we lost Danny. Someone I've always looked at as more than just a friend. That was my brother...but, it's bad enough we're going through this, now I also have to watch Andy and Ashley together.

I sighed and headed into the kitchen with Ben, grabbing a beer from the fridge.

Danny had always hoped Andy and I would somehow find our way back together. For awhile, I thought it might be possible. Now, I n know it's not and it's time for me to move on.

"I'm sorry" Ben started, jumping up to sit on the counter.

I shook my head, opening the beer and leaning against the counter "you have nothing to be sorry for." I said.

"I mean, I know Andy and Ashley are two of the last people you wanna see right now." Ben said.

I shrugged. "That's true, but you kind of couldn't tell them not to come. They loved Danny too." I added, sighing as I took a drink from the bottle I held in my hands.

Ben sighed, looking over at me "still though..." his voice trailed off for a moment before he continued "you know, as much as we love Ashley, Danny always hoped you and Matt would get back together. He always said you were meant to be together." He offered me a small smile.

Danny wasn't alone in his thinking. I always thought Andy and I were meant to be together too. I might could have forgiven him if it only happened once. Not repeatedly for almost 2 months.

I shook my head. I didn't need to worry about things like that. Not now anyway. I was here because two of my best friends just passed away.

"You know what, it's whatever. Don't worry about that. I'm here for you, Sam and James. Not Andy. How are you doing?" I asked.

Ben sighed, shrugging his shoulders "honestly, I don't think it's fully hit me yet. Basically because I've had to worry so much about Sam, it's kind of hard to focus on anything else." He shook his head "I'm scared Matt. Scared something bad is going to happen to him."

I bit nervously on my lower lip as I looked at Ben. I got up from my chair, walking toward the other man. I wasted no time in wrapping my arms around him, bringing him close.

"Sam is going to be okay." I started, "all he needs is the love and support from the people that love him the most. We're all here for him too. We love him."

Ben nodded "when he finally comes to terms with what's happened, I don't know what he might do." Ben said softly.

No one had thought about that. No one knew how Sam would react when he finally saw Cameron wasn't here and in fact he was gone.

"We'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen..." my voice trailed off for a moment "you could always put him in the hospital so he can't hurt himself" I added.

Ben sighed "I know. I just don't know if I can do that. Just put him in there and go on with my life like nothings happened"

I could see tears forming in the corners of his eyes and my heart broke in two.

"Cameron & Danny are gone. Nothing we say or do is going to bring them back. They're gone...oh god, Danny's gone." He cried, body shaking with the tears streaming down his cheeks.

I wrapped my arms tightly around Ben, my own tears falling freely.

Danny was gone. What were we going to do without him?

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