Chapter 14

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Sam's P.O. V

Why did no one believe me? Why were they always talking about me like I was going to break down any given moment?

I'm not crazy. I know what I see. I know what I hear. Cameron came back to me. I don't know how it happened, but it did.

It happened and now I have the love of my life back. I'm glad I did. I honestly don't know what I would have done if I'd lost him.

Cameron is such an amazing guy. He's got so much talent, he just doesn't see it. I do. I always have.

He would always shake it off and say "that's because you're in love with me"

Okay, so maybe I was a little biased. But who could blame me? I mean have you seen him?

I sighed and rolled over, tossing my arm around Cameron's torso.

"I wish you'd let the others see you" I started, tracing my finger across his tattooed flesh "'maybe then they wouldn't think I was crazy."

Cameron smiled and kissed the top of my head.

He didn't say much anymore, I didn't care though. The main thing was he was back in my life. That's all I cared about.

I had just leaned in to press a kiss to his lips when I heard a knock at the door.

"Sam?" I heard the voice on the other side say softly "Sam are you okay?" It was Ben. Good old Ben.

I knew why he was checking on me so much, but he was starting to bug me.

"I'm fine Ben." I said simply.

Ben sighed "won't you come out? Everyone is worried about you. They wanna see you." He said.

I looked at Cameron. I knew if I didn't go out there, they'd keep bugging me. But, if I did go out there, Cameron wouldn't join me.

"You know if I don't go out there for at least a little bit they'll never leave us alone." I said softly, hoping Ben didn't bear me.

Cameron nodded, poking his lower lip out before grinning. He didn't say a word, but nodded toward the door.

I stopped to catch his lips, smiling softly "I love you. I'll be back as soon as I can." I said.

I sighed and threw on my shirt, opening the door and stepping outside. I shut the door behind me, offering Ben a small smile.

It didn't take long for the members of BVB to hear I was out. Soon they all were surrounding me, wrapping their arms around me.

"How are you, Sam?" Jake asked.

I shrugged "I'm okay." I replied.

Ben and James were staring at me again. Their faces screamed "he's lost his fucking mind. Get him help now."

I played it off and headed to the living room where I took a seat on the couch.

I didn't want to be around anyone. I wanted to go back to Cameron. I needed to be in his arms again.

I'd give it a couple hours, then I was gone.

"I'm so sorry you guys are going through this." Andy said, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

Here we go again.

"I miss them so much." Matt added.

I cleared my throat, trying to keep myself from exploding on him.

They weren't gone. Danny was. Cameron was lying on that bed waiting for me.

"Sam?" James started "are you sure you're okay mate?"

I shrugged "you guys are the ones that wanted me out here." I began "I was content laying next to..." my voice trailed off when I noticed everyone's eyes were on me now "holding Cameron's pillow." I added.

Ben sighed and got up from his seat, hurrying out the door.

My eyes followed him, then followed James as he ran after the guitarist.

"Sam?" Matt said, taking a seat next to me on the couch "who were you laying with?"

I shook my head, laughing nervously. "No one. I was just holding Cameron's pillow. Makes him seem close." I added.

Matt didn't believe me. I could see it in his eyes. He knew there was more to the story than what I was telling him.

"Come on, Sam. You don't have to lie to me." He said.

I swallowed hard, looking around the room. "You'll all think I'm nuts. They do." I said, motioning toward the door.

"We won't." Ashley added.

I nodded "okay...I was laying with Cameron. He came back to me. I don't know how or why, but he did. I don't know why Danny didn't come back. Ben and James don't believe me. They think I've lost my mind..." I said, taking a shaky breath.

Matt nodded his head slowly. "So, why won't he come out and let everyone see him? Don't he know we all love him and would love to see him again?" He asked.

"I asked him that. He wouldn't tell me the reason." I said.

Matt nodded slowly. "Okay." He said simply. Taking a deep breath he got up from his seat and slipped outside.

Great. He thought I was nuts too. He just didn't want to tell me to my face.

I'd had enough. I got up, waving to the others and headed back to my room.

"Sam!" Andy shouted. "Please come back. We are all worried about you."

I didn't look back. I opened the door, stepped inside and slammed it behind me.

Cameron frowned and opened his arms. I wasted no time crawling on the bed, resting my head against his chest.

I didn't need any of them. All I needed was him.

I could hear them talking outside the door. Part of me wanted to tell them all to go to hell, to leave me and Cameron alone...but, I decided against it. 

"I love you" I whispered as I snuggled closer to him, letting sleep take me. 

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