Chapter 11

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"We will make sure he gets help so he doesn't hurt himself"

Really guys? Do they really think I'm going to hurt myself? And, let's face it, if I really wanted too, I would and there wouldn't be anything they could do to stop me.

Besides, why would I leave Cameron? I'm sure he would be a little angry with me, considering he came back for me. I would have to be crazy to leave him now.

I sighed softly, shaking my head.

I guess I knew why Ben was acting like I was crazy. Danny didn't come back to him. I didn't quite understand why he didn't, but he didn't. Cameron never told me why, I asked him a couple of times.

And although I did feel bad for Ben, I was still happy that the love of my life was back. Now, we could pick up where we left off.

I smiled as I slid closer to Cameron's still frame. He had always been a sound sleeper. Something we all had to get used too when sleeping on a moving tour bus with a bunch of other people. Part of me wanted to wake him, just so I could spend some more time with him, but I didn't. I knew he needed his sleep.

I shook my head as I thought about the things Ben and James were saying about me. Why have they been talking about me behind my back? What, do they think I'm going to crack at any given moment? I'm fine. This is the best I've felt in weeks.

Despite how happy I was to have Cameron back, I couldn't explain the wave of sadness that hit me each time I looked at him. I was never sad when I was near him. Maybe it's because I came so close to losing him.

I took in a deep breath and cuddled close to Cameron. It didn't take long for my eyes to grow heavy and soon I was asleep.

James' P.O.V

A few hours later there was a knock on the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw the guys in BVB standing at my door.

I smiled softly and opened the door, stepping to the side to let them in.

They each gave me a hug, and Andy almost collapsed against me. I wrapped my arms tightly around the singer, and we both cried. Cried harder than I ever remember crying before.

We finally broke apart and I closed the door, turning to see Ben greeting all of them with a hug as well.

"How's Sam?" Jake asked, taking a seat on the couch.

"He's not doing good." Ben started, sitting on the arm of the chair in front of the couch.

I joined Ben, taking a seat in the chair he was sitting on.

"What's wrong with him?" Ashley asked.

"He thinks Cameron has come back to him." Ben started "James and I found him talking to him in the room he's staying in. I also heard him saying he didn't know why Danny didn't come back to me..." His voice trailed off and tears streamed down his cheek.

I placed a hand on his leg, giving it a light squeeze.

"Oh my God..." Ashley said softly, wrapping an arm around Andy's shoulder.

"Yeah, it's pretty bad. We don't know what to do, because we don't want him to hurt himself, but we also don't want him to be mad at us. It's kind of a lose, lose situation." He added.

"Yeah, I bet so. Well, we're here now.We planned on staying for awhile, our shit is in the car." Jake said.

"You're welcome to stay as long as you want." I began, offering a small smile "Might be a little easier with other people in the house. Maybe it won't be so quiet and we won't have as much time to think about shit."

"Has anyone called Matt?" Ashley asked.

Ben shook his head. "I tried calling him, but every time I did, it went to voicemail. I told him to give me a call as soon as he got the message."

Andy sighed and rested his head against Ashley's shoulder.

Matt and Andy had been a couple for over 7 years. They were married, and even talked about adopting a child. Things didn't quite work out the way they'd wanted them too. They ended up splitting up, getting a divorce and going their seperate ways.

We'd always been close to Matt too, in fact, he was the reason we'd met the Black Veil Brides.

It was then that Ben's phone rang and his face turned pale. "It's Matt..."

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