Chapter 10

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Ashley's P.O.V

It had been a little over 3 hours since we'd talked to James and here I was, in the same place I was when we told us. I still couldn't wrap my head around the idea of Danny and Cameron being gone.

Andy was a complete and utter mess. I felt bad for him, but really, what could I do? I can be there for him, and I will, but nothing I say or do is going to bring either of them back. If it did, believe me, I'd do whatever I could.

I slowly stepped closer to my boyfriend, not wanting him to shut down completely. I knelt down, my arm lightly resting against his shoulder.

"Baby?" I began "baby, talk to me. Are you okay?"

I knew that was about the stupidest question I'd ever asked as soon as the words left my mouth.

Of course he wasn't okay. He lost his best friends. None of us were okay.

"I—I can't believe he's gone. Danny is gone and he's not coming back this time." Andy said through his tears.

I nodded, not knowing what the right words to say at a time like this would be.

"I wish I knew what to say to make this better for you" I started. "I really do. This sucks. It hurts and I don't know when or if we'll ever be able to think about either of them without crying. But, all I know for sure is I'm here for you. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. I love you." 

Andy looked up at me as the tears streamed down his cheeks "I love you too." He said softly. 

I slipped my arms around him, holding him close. I couldn't stop the tears that managed to escape my eyes. Truth was, I was just as upset as Andy. We'd always been close to the AA guys. Our bands toured together so much, we all developed a closeness with them all. We loved them. 

I kept my arms wrapped around Andy, holding him as we both cried in each other's arms. 

Later, we'd pack our things and head to James' house. But right now, all I wanted to do was hold my boyfriend tight and never let him go. 

Sam's P.O.V

I couldn't stand the looks Ben and James were giving me. Looking at me like I'd completely lost my mind. I hadn't. I knew what I had seen. Knew what I'd experienced. 

Just because they couldn't see him didn't mean he wasn't really there. Right? Maybe he just didn't want to see them right now. I mean, it wasn't unheard of for us to spend some alone time. 

I could imagine how odd they thought this was. And honestly, I don't care. Cameron isn't gone. He's not. He's here with me. He said he would never leave me, and so far he's living up to his promise. 

I feel bad for Ben though. Danny is gone. He didn't come back to Ben. I know he probably wanted too, but sometimes things like that are out of our control. Like now. 

"I feel bad for Ben." I said softly. "He lost Danny and Danny didn't come back to him. Not like you came back to me. I love you, Cameron. Thank you for coming back to me. I don't think I could have made it without you." I said softly. 

Ben's P.O.V

James & I had been standing outside the door the entire time. We heard everything. Heard him talking to himself. He really thought Cameron had somehow came back to him. I wish that were possible, but it wasn't. 

Danny was gone. Cameron was gone. And neither one of them were coming back. I'd have given anything to see Danny standing in the doorway of our bedroom again. Anything at all.

I miss him so fucking much already. It has only been a day. How am I supposed to live the rest of my life without him?

So much of my life, my well being depended on Danny. He was my reason for getting up in the morning. The reason I was able to live another day. He was my soulmate. My best friend. My other half, my better half. Now, I was supposed to move on? Like he didn't matter? Like my heart wasn't just ripped in two? I couldn't do that.

It was taking all I had right now not to get plastered. I wanted too so bad. James needed me. Sam needed me. Sam needed us. We had to be the strong ones. Had to help him through this. Had to make sure he didn't do something stupid. I wasn't losing anyone else. Not now. Not ever. 

I knew Andy and the rest of BVB would be here soon, and I was honestly happy about that. Those guys quickly became our brothers and I knew if anyone could help us through this, it would be them. 

I sighed, shaking my head as I looked at James. "I'm so worried about him. What if he doesn't snap out of this, James?" I asked.

James shrugged, biting at his lower lip nervously. "Then, we will have to make sure he gets the help he needs so he doesn't hurt himself." 

I nodded, running my hand across the door. I shook my head and walked away slowly, hoping Sam would join us soon.

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