Chapter 3

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Cameron's P.O.V

No matter what I tried I just couldn't seem to fall asleep that night. With as much alcohol as we'd consumed, I should have passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

But, instead I'm laying in the bed next to Sam, watching him as he sleeps. I couldn't get the thought that something bad was going to happen out of my head.

I tried to shake off the feeling, cuddling close to Sam. He smiled softly in his sleep and I mirrored the smile and rest my head against his chest.

I let my eyes slip closed slowly, hoping sleep would take me soon.

I wasn't sure how long I'd been asleep wben I heard the screams. I shot up out of bed and could feel my heart beating in my ear.

Fire. I could feel the flames as I got close to the door. I glanced behind me to see Sam, obviously scared pacing next to the bed.

"We're going to die. We're going to die." He mumbled.

I shook my head, resting my hands on either side of his face. "Baby, look at me. We're not going to die." I started. "We're all getting out of here. I promise."

I was quickly brought out of my thoughts when I heard Ben screaming Danny's name. Something was wrong.

"Ben?! Ben are you okay?" I shouted, scanning the room trying to figure a way out.

"Danny!" Was the only response he gave.

I tore all the sheets, covers and pillows off the bed and slid the mattress off. "Sam! Come on." I yelled, pressing him close to me as I used the mattress to shield the two of us.

"Whatever you do, don't get separated from me. Okay? I love you Sam. We're getting out of here."

"I love you too." He replied.

I carefully opened the door and stepped out in the hallway. The entire house seemed to be engulfed in flames and all I could think about was getting everyone out.

I quickly led Sam down the stairs and somehow made it out of the house. No one was out here. I couldn't let them die. Not now. Not when I could do something to help.

"I'm going back for the others." I began as I turned to Sam "you stay right here till I get back. Don't move. I love you." I said as I hurried back in the house, not giving Sam time to argue.

The house seemed to be crumbling around me, and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find the others.

"Ben?! Danny?! James?!" I shouted, fighting back my emotions.

"Cameron?" I barely heard a voice call out.

My eyes scanned the room and finally landed on James.

I darted toward him, kneeling down "are you okay?" I asked, searching for any sign of an injury.

"I fell down the stairs" he started "I think my legs broke."

I nodded and looked around. Deciding we had no time to waste, I carefully picked up the drummer and ran him outside to safety.

"I have to find Ben and Danny!" I yelled, glancing at the two men who both shook their heads.

"Cameron, you can't go back in there." Sam pleaded "we can't lose you. I can't lose you."

I shook my head "you're not going to lose me baby. But we can't lose Ben and Danny either"

I took in a shaky breath as I ran back up to the house, "Ben?! Danny?! Where are you?!" I screamed, avoiding all the falling debris around me.

Seconds later I heard Ben yell "over here! Cameron hurry!" He begged.

I ran toward Ben's voice and I could feel tears sting the corner of my eyes wben I saw Danny.

"Help him." Ben cried, running his fingers through the singers hair.

Danny was lifeless, pinned underneath a part of the ceiling.

"Ben, I don't know.." I began, getting interrupted by Ben's pleas once more "no! Don't you say that. Cameron we have to get him out of here." He cried.

I swallowed hard and picked up Danny's hand, checking for a pulse. There wasn't one. Danny was gone.

"Ben, he's gone...." I started, as my voice began to crack. "We have to get out of here. We can't help him." I said as the tears streamed down my cheeks.

"We can't leave him here, Cameron. We can't." Ben cried, trying to move the piece of ceiling off Danny's still frame.

We didn't have long. I sighed and I guess it was the adrenaline, I was able to move the piece pinning Danny underneath. I picked up his lifeless body, trying to keep it together as we ran outside.

"Cameron! Ben! Dann—" James was cut off when he saw Danny's body in my arms.

"Is he?" He asked softly.

I nodded slowly and gently laid him down on the ground.

Ben was immediately at his side, gently lifting him so he could hold him in his arms one last time.

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