Chapter Twenty-Nine: Lights Out Part 2

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|Unedited Version|


(I'm not adding Kat's list of abilities in this chapter since she isn't in it)

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. I only own Catalina Vazquez, Eita Harada and Catalina's spirits.

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Lights Out Part 2

[Eita's POV]

I blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the light. I looked around, puzzled at what had just happened, until I realized where I was standing. My eyes widened in shock at the sight of the execution grounds we had just left.

'Sokyoku Hill...? Why the hell are we back here? What the hell is going on?!'

"Eita-kun. Abarai-kun." A familiar voice greeted us happily.

I growled at the sound of that voice. I turned, still holding Rukia against my chest as Renji stood beside me, just as confused as I was.

"Aizen." I hissed angrily, my eyes narrowed. If looks could kill, Aizen would be dead right now.

'This is the man who killed my brother...the man who almost killed Kat and I that night... Sosuke Aizen.'

"Captain Aizen...?" Renji murmured, his voice layered with awe at the supposedly dead man standing before him.

"Put Rukia down, and leave." Aizen requested, his voice polite as always.

Next to me, I could feel the surprise and confusion rolling off Renji in waves. I narrowed my eyes to slits. This was not good. Not good at all.

"Captain Aizen...? How are you still alive?!" Renji questioned with huge shocked eyes.

I growled angrily, pulling Rukia closer to my chest protectively.

"That's the least important of all things. What the hell did you just say?" I growled in anger and disbelief, my eyes narrowing at the man in front of us.

"Strange, has your ability to hear diminished over the years...Eita-kun?" Aizen questioned. You could hear the amusement in his question, a provocation hiding there so I would attack him.

'If I let my anger get the best of me in this situation, again...I'll end up like last time. I can't lose this time. I won't lose Rukia like I lost Atsushi all those years ago! I won't! I need to figure out what the hell is going on!'

Suddenly I felt something linking itself to my mind.

"Those of captain, lieutenant, or deputy-captain status of the 13 court guard squads, as well as all of the ryoka, this is 4th squad Lieutenant Isane Kotetsu." A woman's voice echoed through my mind. I turned towards Renji who was most likely hearing the same thing. "This is an emergency message from the 4th squad Captain Retsu Unohana and I. Everything that I'm about to tell you is true." I listened intently at the information she was relying to everyone and scoffed angrily.

'This still doesn't explain why Aizen wants Rukia!'

"Also, 5th squad Lieutenant Momo Hinamori, 10th squad Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya and the ryoka Catalina Vazquez have been cut down by Souske Aizen."

I felt my body go rigid at the mention of Kat, the words "cut down" and Aizen all in the same phrase.

My eyes widened in shock. 'W-W-What?! That's why I felt her reiatsu lower so drastically.' My eyes stared right into Aizen's murderously. 'He killed Kat, again! I'm going to fucking kill that fucking bastard.' I snarled angrily.

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