Chapter Five: Training Begins Part 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach expect for Catalina Vazquez and Eita Harada


Chapter Five: Training Begins Part 2

"This was all planned."


"You know the past, present and future."

"I want you."


"I love you Catalina."

"Xyris Chandaler fraccion."

"It's changing!"

"You lied!"







I sat up taking deep breaths I felt the sweat running down my face. That was weird it was the same dream from last time but this time it was different...This time Ulquiorra was in it...gah what the hell does that mean?! I sighed angrily laying back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. Also who the hell is Xyris Chandaler? The only thing I remember about her is her deadly gold eyes burning into me.

"KAT-CHAN!" Kisuke yelled happily slamming open my door and I turned to look at him half scared to death. "Time for your training to start!" Kisuke spoke happily fanning his face with his fan and I just looked at him the sleepiness in my eyes still very present.

"What time is it?" I questioned half asleep and half annoyed.

"I believe 4:30 in morning." Kisuke stated in a laid back manner and I stared at him with wide eyes.

"Are you kidding me?! I'm not getting up until 7 so goodbye!" I yelled wrapping myself back into my covers and trying to fall back asleep.

"AH!" A yelped left my lips when someone threw me over their shoulders I turned my head around and saw that it was Eita.

"Come on sweetheart unlike you I have to go to school later." Eita stated smirking at me and I just glared at him.

I crossed my arms pouting.

"Alright let's go." Kisuke ushered us to another room when Eita stopped.

"Let me go!" I snapped annoyed.

"Fine, whatever you want." Eita said shrugging when he let me go and I realized my mistake I groaned out in pain as I slowly sat up and Eita smirked down at me.

"I believe the words you were looking for where, "Can you PLEASE put me down?"." Eita stated with a huge smirk on his face and I just glared at him angrily. "You don't express your angry much do you?" Eita questioned bewildered that I haven't verbally or psychically assaulted him.

I just looked away, "None of your business." I simply spoke and looked at the wood floor. He's right I have never been the kind of person to yell at someone what I was thinking about them. Because if I did that it would be another punch or kick...I'm so weak.

"Don't worry Kat-chan in a month we will have that weak and dismal in distress personality gone. You will be a brand new girl." Kisuke cooed happily and I just looked at him confused. "Alright everyone, down we go." Kisuke spoke happily as he jumped down.

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