Chapter Thirty-Four: The Pendulum Swings Part 4

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Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. I only own Catalina, Vazquez, Eita Harada, Atsushi Harada and Catalina's spirits.

Fair warning major fluff in this chapter, enjoy!

Chapter Thirty-Four: The Pendulum Swings Part 4

[Kat's POV]

[Byakuya's Room]

I slowly stir awake feeling soft fingertips running up and down along my bareback. A lazy smile slowly spread across my face as I slowly turn around to face the man responsible for the soft touches. Somewhat still half asleep I open my tire eyes making eye contact with a pair of amuse slate gray eyes. Giggling softly I pull my hand out from under the covers softly caressing his cheek.

"What are you doing up so early?" I whisper amuse, follow by a tire yawn.

I watch how a small smile spread across his face, that smile he only reversed for me when we were alone. Slowly he place his hand over mine, keeping it in place he slowly lean towards me, placing his other hand beside my head, supporting most of his weight.

"Just admiring the most beautiful woman in the world." He whisper huskily, leaning closer.

I smile timidly, feeling a faint blush creep onto my cheeks as he lean closer. I happily intertwine our fingers together as Byakuya's warmth sip through the sheets. I took a deep breath, inhaling the wonderful smell that is Byakuya Kuchiki. The butterflies in my stomach seem to come to life as a faint smell of cherry blossoms fill my nose. My eyes flutter close as I took in this moment, trying to remembering everything about this exact moment.

'Moments like these, when both Byakuya and I lose ourselves to each other, are my favorite.' I thought contently, grateful.

I slowly open my eyes again, losing myself in the pool of slate gray, "I love you Byakuya." I whisper breathlessly, tightening my grip on his hand before I let go.

Slowly I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer, our noses softly touching. Byakuya was the first to fully close the gap between us, his lips softly molding into mine. The kiss starts off sweet and tender at first but it slowly starts to turn into something more lustful. Slowly my eyes flutter shut as my fingers eagerly run through his silky black hair. Byakuya's lips leave mine, gently skimming their way down my jawline, throat and finally gently nibbling on my collarbone. A soft moan leaves my lips while I take a fist full of his hair tugging on it lightly.

Somewhat fluster I gently try to push Byakuya away with my free hand, "Byakuya, we don't have time for that. You have to be at the 6th division soon and I have to go home to get ready for the day." I state amiably, follow by a content sigh.

Byakuya swiftly stops what he's doing and looks at me thoughtfully, placing some of my curls behind my ear. I assume so he could get a better view of my face.

"W-what?" I question fluster, nervously.

"I love you." He simply whispers bluntly.

"I love you too." I reply tenderly, caressing his cheek again, deciding to stick to a simple gesture. "But we really should start getting ready." I add happily, my smile still present.

"What if you didn't have to leave in the mornings anymore?" Byakuya questions seriously.

I look at him blinking in confusion, trying to understand what he meant by that.

"I don't have any of my stuff here." I mutter still confuse about what was going on. "Even if I didn't leave, I wouldn't have any of my clothes here to change into." I reply perplex, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

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