Chapter Thirty-Two: The Pendulum Swings Part 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. I only own Catalina Vazquez, Eita Harada, and Catalina's spirits

Chapter Thirty-Two: The Pendulum Swings Part 2

[Kat's POV]

'One month.' I thought astonished as I walked down the quiet halls of the 2nd division. 'Hard to believe it has already been one month since I've been here. I still have no idea how I got here or how to go back. Do I even want to go back?' I questioned myself frustrated and thought back to a conversation I had with Yoruichi and Kisuke not that long ago.


We sat quietly around a table in Yoruichi's office as we drank some tea.

"Well, I could find a way to get you back home Kat." Kisuke spoke suddenly, and took another sip of his tea. He lean his head slightly to the side creating a shadow over his eyes and glanced at me seriously. "But the real question is, do you want to go home?" he questioned me seriously and I looked at him nervously. I looked away from him not being able to hold his serious look. My hands grabbed a fist full of my kimono tightly.

'Do I want to go home?' I questioned myself sadly. 'There is nothing for me at that world.' I thought bitterly, glaring at nothing in particular.

I finally sighed out dejectedly, "But I can't stay here either." I whispered miserably, fighting back the tears of frustration. "I would change everything!" I yelled looking up at them sadly. "I already changed Byakuya's, Hisana's and Rukia's fate! Byakuya is falling in love with ME with each passing day, or why else would he always come and visit me!" I exclaimed desperately trying to fight back my tears. "It doesn't help my feelings for him are growing just as well." I murmured angrily. "I can't stay here. I can't." I stated softly looking away from my two best friends.

'Only Yoruichi and Kisuke knew I wasn't really from this world.'

"So what, you rather go back to your world and get beat up by your father day after day just for the sake of happiness of others'?" Yoruichi questioned bitterly, her gold eyes narrowed angrily as she glared at me. "Where in all of this do you think about your happiness?" she questioned further, furiously.

"I-I-I-" I stumbled for an answer nothing knowing what to reply. I stared at her wide-eye.

"You deserve to be happy too Kat." Kisuke added sternly taking another sip of his tea and closed his eyes.

I looked at both of them sadly.

'What I original had planned to do was slowly being undone by them in a matter of minutes.'

"So what if you change their fate. For all you know you could have change their fate for the better. The future isn't written in stone Kat." he added seriously and looked at me again with his soft black eyes.

"Let's say Byakuya falls in love with you and you two get marry instead. Then later on you meet and befriend Hisana, you guys become like sisters, then on her death bed she makes you promise to look for her sister, you find Rukia and adopt her as your daughter." Yoruichi explained calmly looking at a cookie she grabbed, she examined it as she continued with her plan. "Technically then Byakuya's, Hisana's and Rukia's fate wouldn't have changed in a sense, for all we know it could be better this way." Yoruichi explained her thoughts about the matter.

"But-" I tried to protest but I was interrupted by Kisuke.

"Everything can work out Kat. You would be happy, Byakuya would be happy, we would be happy, everyone would be happy." Kisuke stated seriously, he looked at Kat and smiled softly. "Either way I'll still find a way for you to go home and then you can decide what you would like to do." Kisuke stated simply standing up and smile at his friend.

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