Chapter Forty-One: The Silence before the Storm

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Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. I only own Catalina Vazquez, Eita Harada, Atsushi Harada and Catalina's spirits.

Chapter Forty-One: The Silence before the Storm

[Kat's Inner World]
[Kat's POV]

Mangekyo gently held me up as I used her for support as Kaji freed everyone. I smiled sheepishly at a glaring Kaji as he angrily freed everyone mumbling curse after curse.

"You really are fucking idiot!" Kaji growled breaking Kinzoku's chains off and then moved to the next person. "Why the fuck did you let her stab you?! For fuck sakes do you even listen to a fucking word I say?!" Kaji continuing scowling as I sheepishly laugh.

"Kaji we both know that was going to be the only way to get Kyo's attention." I said plainly.

Kaji was about to start screaming again when Mizu placed a hand on his shoulder.

"The important thing is that Kat is safe and she was able to help Kyo-senpai control the hollow again." Mizu spoke up softly making her way towards me.

"I got this Kyo-senpai, I'll heal her right away." Mizu offered gently and Mangekyo softly handed me over to her.

"You really did cause a mess this time Kyo-senpai." Koori scowled Mangekyo angrily, her bright white eyes glaring at the scowling Mangekyo.

Mizu gently placed her hand over my stomach as Kinzuko and Chi held me up.

"You did great Kat." Kinzuko said happily.

I looked over him and Chi who both had smiles on their faces.

"We are sorry we didn't you the truth about Kyo-senpai." Chi added grimly.

"It's ok, even if you told me the truth before I probably wouldn't have understood it. I wouldn't have reacted the same way." I replied almost ashamed.

Mizu smiled happily, "You really have grown Kat. That is a very mature thing to say." Mizu said as she finished up healing my stomach.

Kaji finished freeing Ki and Kuki and Kuki happily ran towards me, hugging me tightly.

"Kat I'm so glad you are ok!" Kuki yelled happily, tears pooling around her bright orange eyes.

I smile softly at her patting her head gently, "I'm glad you are ok." I replied back happily, feeling lighter than I had in a couple of days.

I looked over my shoulder as Koori and Kage continue to scowl Mangekyo. I slowly guided Kuki to the side as I made my way towards Mangekyo. I gently touched her shoulder getting her attention.

"How is this possible?" I asked confused.

"As you probably have figured out already, I was originally created from your soul to be your zanpakuto. That's why in a sense I'm you, I was born from your soul Kat. When you were still living in Soul Society we were barely creating a bond. Those lucive dreams you would have that seem blurry and long forgotten was me trying to get my name to reach you." Mangekyo explained softly.

"But, that doesn't explain why I don't have a zanpakuto." I questioned confused.

"That time Kisuke showed you the Breakdown Shepare that he created it left a strange type of spiritual energy within your body. I don't know how to describe it felt like the walls that convine my power to a certain form were slowly breaking away." Mangekyo explained thoughtfully. "During the night when you ran into Aizen and his hollowfication experiment, it started to take over your inner world. But you were my Kat, I wasn't going to let anyone hurt you. Because of the strange energy left behind I was able to breakdown the boundaries between, soul, soul reaper and hollow. Though you hadn't reached it yet I was able to take my abilities and break them down into separate souls and give them their own form. I knew they would come in handy just in case I ever lost control of my hollow side. I asorb the strange hollowfication that was trying to take over your body and merged with it."

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