Chapter Thirty-Nine: Hello Stranger

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Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. I only own Catalina Vazquez, Eita Harada, Atsushi Harada and Catalina's spirits.

Chapter Thirty- Nine: Hello Stranger

[Next Morning]

[Kat's POV]

I groaned loudly rolling onto my side, hissing painfully at my throbbing headache. I gently massaged my head with one hand and used the other one for support.

"Shit...Kisuke and I over did it last night." I muttered groggily to myself.

I slowly got up from the bed rubbing my tried eyes. I blinked a couple of times trying to figure out what room I was in. Looking around the messy room I realized I was in Eita's room. Well, it used to be Eita's room. I stared sadly into the room remembering Eita had decided to stay at Soul Society.

'Maybe I should go with Kisuke when he goes to change Karin's and Yuzu's memories.' I thought solemnly. 'I'll just have Tessai take me to Shinji afterwards.'

A dark chuckle echoed softly through my mind. I gasped shocked at the familiar sinister laugh. I grabbed a fist full of my hair pulling on it harshly.

'You still haven't change one bit Reina.' Her soft taunting voice echoed through my mind, it was nothing more than a faint whisper, but it was still there. 'You're still running away from your problems.' She laughed mockingly, her laughter becoming slightly louder.

I clinched my hair tighter, tightly closing my eyes.

"Go away." I hissed angrily, feeling anxious at her sudden appearance.

'Kat, it's ok, relax.' Mizu's soft voice echoed loudly, overpowering her voice. 'She's sealed away, she can't hurt you.' Mizu assured me softly.

'She'll have to get through us first.' Kinzoku added confidently.

I slowly relaxed a little, my spirit's voices drowning away her voice. Their words of reassurance giving me a little comfort and peace of mind. I took a deep breath trying to relax. Slowly I opened my eyes and gasped loudly seeing Yoruichi in her cat form.

I looked at her startled. She simply sat quietly at the center of the room, her piercing gold eyes staring at me intently.

"It's her again, right?" Yoruichi questioned bluntly, frowning with concern.

"Yes." I replied simply, stretching out.

"You should go see Shinji and the others." Yoruichi said firmly with a piercing stare.

I sighed softly, "I will, but, later." I rebutted tiredly. "First, I need to go take care of some things. I don't want Ichigo and the others coming to look for me. I need to act like things are normal." I explained to Yoruichi seriously.

"But things aren't normal between you guys anymore." Yoruichi replied firmly.

She obviously thought me playing nice with Ichigo and the others was a waste of time now.

"You need to learn to control her." She added sternly.

"It's under control for now." I replied annoyed, rolling my eyes at her persistence. "First, I need to go make sure everyone is fine. Then, I'll worry about learning to control her." I said annoyed at Yoruichi.

I immediately felt bad for talking to Yoruichi in that manner. I mean, she's my best friend she's just worried about me. But I couldn't help feeling annoyed with her for some reason.

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