Chapter Thirteen: Secondary Abilities Part 2

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Element's Used so far

Mizu (Water)- turquoise hair and bright blue eyes

Kaji (Fire)- orange hair and bright red eyes

Koori (Ice)- white hair and bright white eyes

Chi (Earth)- brown hair and bright green eyes

Kinzoku (Metal)- silver hair and bright gray eyes

Kage (Shadow)- pitch black hair and bright violet eyes

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. I only own Catalina Vazquez and Eita Harada.

Chapter Thirteen: Secondary Abilities Part 2

I ran down the street when I stopped at the presences of a hollow nearby.

"Come out already I know you are there." I spoke angrily.

"Oh. You are much brighter than that shinigami." The hollow squealed happily. The high pitched voice made me flinched a little.

The snake looking hollow appeared in front of slithering towards me slowly. Her mask is in the shape of a four-pointed star with shades of blue on her mask. Her body has purple scales with blue dots.

"I had plan on attacking the shinigami, but your reiatsu is just as delicious as his. Also if I kill you, I'm sure that shinigami will come after me...because it seems you mean a lot to him." The hollow spoke happily. "Are you ready to die human?" The hollow laughed launching its self towards me.

"Kinzoku!" I shouted making a metal rode in my hand.

I placed it in front of me blocking the hollows attack; the impact made me skidded a little across the street. I glared up at the hollow slightly pushing her back giving me enough room to take a couple of steps back.

"Well aren't you one interesting human." The hollow laughed happily.

"There is a lot more where that came from." I hissed happily.

My eyes went wide when I felt my whole body get heavy again, like that day with the Grand Fisher. I fell to my knees trying to get myself together. Ugh, what's happening to me?! I tried to stand but my whole body felt like it was made from metal or something. I wasn't strong enough to hold all of this weight.

"Out of energy already?" The hollow laughed happily. "But the fun is barely getting started!" The hollow laughed launching itself towards me again.

"Chi (Earth)!" I shouted closing my eyes.

I sigh relived when I could move my body again. I opened my eyes and was shocked to see a purple-black shield in front of me instead of an earth wall. I looked around noticing I was inside a shield it just wasn't in front of me this time, I was completely surrounded by it. I looked at my bracelet glowing bright purple.

"Do you really think a weak shield like this will stop me?" The hollow questioned seriously.

I looked up at the hollow shocked when a purple tentacle thing shot out of her body slamming into the shield. The shield slowly started to crack, when it stuttered into pieces. I gasped surprised quickly jumping back barely dodging the tentacle.

"You really think it will be that easy to dodge my attack?" The hollow questioned happily.

I looked up at it surprised and saw another purple tentacle heading my way. I can't dodge it will I'm in mid-air! I shut my eyes, "AHHH!" I screamed out in the pain feeling the tentacle stab into my shoulder. The tentacle pushed me through mid-air until it slammed me into a nearby wall. I whimpered out in pain when my back slammed into the wall. I slowly opened my eyes looking at the hollow standing in front of me.

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