CHAPTER ~eight~

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Tasha pov.
I wake up in my room and look around thinking about what happened yesterday.


Does he hate me for the same reason everybody else does?

Why did he say the things he did?

I know he hates vampires but was saying all those things necessary?

I get up off my bed and walk into my closet and get my robe to take a shower.

I walk into the shower and take a nice bath. I made sure the water was hot. After, the shower I went back to my room and walked into my closet.

I picked out a red top and black jeans. I tucked my shirt into my jeans and wore black combat boots and added a black cardigan.

I walked to the main house and when I get inside everyone stares at me.

"Are you alright?" Esme asked

"Yes, I am, just getting ready for school." I told her

"So, is everyone just going to ignore the fact that Jacob isn't even here right now!" Renesmee screamed

"What? Why?" I asked her

"This is all your fault! He had to imprint on you! Your nothing!" Renesmee screamed

I just sighed and walked into the kitchen and made myself some cerel.

"Renesmee, that is enough!" Edward/Dad yelled

Renesmee looked down at the floor. This was the first time that he had ever yelled at her.

"Edward don't snap at Renesmee like that!" Yelled Bella/Mom

Edward and Bella walked outside in the back to talk. We all watched them except for Renesmee who was just glaring at me. They were obviously still upset from yesterday events.

"Jacob had done nothing wrong! Why Edward? Why punish both Renesmee and Jacob?!" Yelled Bella/Mom

"Because all those wolves bring is trouble or haven't you noticed!" Edward/Dad was trying to convince her to not let Jacob around anymore.

I don't even think that Edward/Dad should try. She has always cared for Jacob even before she met Edward/Dad. Jacob is her best friend. He even fell in love with her.

If it wasn't for Renesmee, he would probably still be in love with her.

Even though mom loves dad, I know that apart of her loves Jacob too, just in a friendly way.

Well, it's time for school.
I got up and walked outside but then somebody put their hand on my shoulder. I turn around and Renesmee was there.

"I am going to make today heck for you!" She sneered

"You don't control my life Renesmee and the injury you guys gave me is almost gone." I told her leaving out the fact that there is a scar there.

"Jacob isn't allowed here anymore unless everyone agrees to it." Said Renesmee with pain in her eyes.

"Isn't my problem." I told her this then I started walking to school.

"Just you wait, you won't see it coming." I heard Renesmee say this before I used my vampire speed to get to school on time.

Renesmee pov.

Dad won't even look at me without getting angry!

She did this!

I can't even see my imprint when ever I want because Paul went crazy and imprinted on her!

I don't care what anybody says!

She did something that caused the imprint!

That stupid...arrogant...ugh!
I want Jacob Black!
My imprint!
My life!
He took care of me!
I love him!

She doesn't think that I can make her miserable!

That is where she is wrong!

I am going to do something that will make her break down completely!

First, I am going to try and reason with dad again. Hopefully, this time he will put my feelings into consideration.

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