CHAPTER fifteen

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Tasha pov.

The guard was packing up everything in my room that I will need or want to take with me.

They look like mover guys minus
the big white mover van.

I offered to help but since I am now the daughter to a king that makes me a princess.

I hope I am still able to work.
I like independence and making accomplishments.

Father had the cullens take me out of school and now I will be homeschooled in volterra

They will teach me everything that I will need to know for school so I can get my certificate that shows that I graduated.

I will also get to learn Italian.
I am excited about my new family.

I am here standing outside the cottage as the guard takes my belongings and they run off with them.

I am standing next to Father.
We are surrounded by the top guard in case the Cullens try anything.

After I put Renesmee through the window Bella had tried to attack me but I surrounded her with fire.

My Father had panicked and attacked Bella.  The Olympic clan is really in for it with my new family.  They wanted to get rid of them but I didn't want to kill them.

The entire volturi has been ready for a fight ever since.

As for Renesmee, she is on bed rest and has stitches on her chest from where she made contact with the glass and bruises from the landing.

Everyone from the Cullen Clan thinks I'm evil except for Edward and Japser.  I have no clue why.

"Figlia, they have finished, are you ready?"  Father asked me

I do believe that I am ready, I quit from my job which wasn't to bad, they just wished me luck for the rest of my life.

"I am ready Father"

"Master Marcus, will she need a lift?" Asked Demetri

"Yes, she will."  Father did but with a stern voice

"Of course" said Demetri

"It is okay Father, I can run on my own."

"Are you sure?  You used up alot of your strength for a while now.  You could use the rest."  Father pointed out

"Actually you make a good point, Demetri do you mind?"

"Of course not principesssa."  Demetri said and then he picked me up bridal style.

I looked at the Cullen house and see Edward and Japser looking out the window.

I don't know why they don't think I'm evil.  I wave my hand goodbye at them and they do the same and mouth take care and enjoy life.

I grin at them both.

Then the volturi and Father start running and the Cullen main house becomes more and more out of sight.

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