CHAPTER twenty-one

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Tasha pov.
"You are to marry Paul Lahote!"

My family and I were all growling at the pack and coven.  I looked at my family and they immediately surrounded me.  They walked me back inside along with some guard members and Suplicia and Anthedora.

We stayed in the one of the towers.  We didn't know what was happening or what was going to happen.

Marry Paul Lahote!
Marry Paul Lahote!
F... My life!
Like heck!
Paul Lahote!!!

I was pacing the room angry.  The light bulbs went out because I wore out the electricity.

I'll replace and fix it once we are done here.  Then Demetri came in the room and took us all to the throne room.

I get in there and walk over and stand next to my father while Suplicia and Anthedora stand next to their mates.

Aro got up from his spot and starts speaking with his threatening and murduous look.

"Tasha Will Not Be Wed to A Mutt!  That is final!  If you are true imprints then how come she can be away from you for so long without feeling a single thing?"
Aro looks at Paul and he is shifting in his seat.

Wait.  I am not his imprint?
What the heck?!
All this drama! What for?!
What does he gain?!

Aro is right.  Imprints can't be away from each other without feeling pain of being away from the other.  I feel nothing.  Not in pain.  He lied!  They all lied!

I scream this and I was being lifted in the air using my winds.  I felt anger, I felt betrayel! 
Once again I want revenge!

This time I will finish the job!
There was a bright flash and I heard talking and felt shaking.


"Wake up!"

What?  Am I asleep?

"Wake up Tasha!  Wake up!"

I opened my eyes and shot out of my bed and looked around to see father, uncles, moms and the guard here with me.  They were all holding candles and I see that all the light bulbs in my room is shattered.

"Are you alright?!"  Jane had asked me putting a hand on my shoulder

"Yeah...what...what happened?" 

"You were taking a nap after finishing reading about immortal childeren and all of a sudden you were screaming Liars."  Jane had explained.

Then I felt Suplicia and Anthedora hug and hold me tight.  Alec passes me a cup of water and I drink it slowly. 
It was a nightmare.
All of it. 

The only good thing about that nightmare was the fact that I realize that Paul might not have imprinted on me, I don't feel a thing.

"I don't think that Paul Lahote imprinted on me."

They all look at me and nod their heads as well.

"I found a book about imprints.  If he did imprint on you, you would be in pain and need to be as close to him as possible."  Suplicia had stated

I sighed happily and we all just sit there and chat for the rest of the day.

I still can't stop thinking about that nightmare.

He wasn't my imprint.
I wasn't his imprint.
Then why say that I was.

"Are you sure that you will be okay for the fitting or the party?"  Jane asked worried.

I nod my head and grin. 

"Of course, it was just a dream.  Let's go."

Jane, Suplicia, Anthedora and I had walked out the door so I can go and get my dress fitting.

Two hours later, we have officially picked the dress that I am going to wear for the party.

It was time for me to go to sleep but the entire day I couldn't stop thinking about that nightmare.  Why did I have it?
What does it mean?
What is wrong with me?

I lay down in my bed and close my eyes.  My mind has many thoughts going threw it that I can't find a peace of mind.  I hear a piano playing.  Getting out of bed, I go to the sound and see father playing.  I walk over and see the entire family watching.  Walking closer I notice the song he was playing. 

He was playing "Never Enough" from The Greatest Showman soundtrack.

I stand next to him and hum along.  He stops and nods his head at me while scooting over on the seat.  I sit down next to him and when he starts playing again, I start singing.

After we finished there was applause.
"Well done figlia but what are you doing out of bed?"
Father asked me concerned.  He is still nervous about earlier.

"I heard you playing, it was beautiful father.  Goodnight everyone." 
Everyone says goodnight and I go back up to bed.  When I reach my room, I play my phone and play that same song while I doze off to sleep.

I fell asleep in a few minutes and it was peaceful.

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