CHAPTER twenty-two

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Tasha pov.
I was in my bathroom taking a bubble bath. The water was warm and relaxing. My body and health were once again extremely healthy and to top it off my hair was all black again. Strange, me being part vampire part human changes my body in many different ways. The stitches I once had were gone except for a little scar. I am grateful for that.

I stepped out of the bath and dried off. It was time for the party and I was going to meet many members of many different clans.

Walking into my walk in closet I see my dress and put it on. I decided to just let my hair down and not change it at all.

My dress was;
♡all red
♡top was lace and off the shoulder
♡the sleeves were long sleeve and lace
♡the bottom was wide at the bottom and covered in black roses.

I wore red heel pumps with my dress. For my make-up I wore red lipstick and just did my eyelashes.

When I walked out of my room, there was a trail of black and red roses that led to the party. I followed them and when I got to the room I was officially announced to the entire vampire world.

"Welcome Principessa Tasha of Volterra!"
There was cheering and applause I smiled and walked down to the party. I walked over to my moms and they each gave me a hug. Then I walked over to everyone in my family and have them hugs and thanks.

The music started playing and I felt a tap in my shoulder. I turn to see Demetri and I accept his hand as we danced. The entire guard was smiling at us. Demetri and I are not mates but we are best friends till the end. That was a promise we both made to eachother the day after the werewolf attack. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Jacob Black. Demetri immediately puts me behind him.

"I would like to speak to her." Jacob States clearly

"No, not without her permission."
Demetri says growling lowly.

"I want to speak to her about something private and doesn't concern you." Jacob says growling at Demetri

I step from behind Demetri and put myself in between them both. No need to stir trouble.

"Come on Demetri, I would like to see my mothers." I tell Demetri leading him away.

Like, what is the pack doing here?
The Cullens of course.

"I am not your mother!"

I turn around and see that Bella is sneering at me.

"Mothers!" I call out to them and they immediately ran over to me and stood in front of me.

"Step away from the Principessa!" Suplicia sneered

"They are my mothers! You never had a right to even be called a mother! Let alone My Mother!" I growled at her

She stomps her foot and walks away. For the rest of the night Demetri has never left my side. He was ready to fight if it came down to it. Then we see no one other than Renesmee Cullen walking up to me.

"We need to talk!" She had demanded

"Go away!"

I start another conversation with the coven I was currently talking to. Then I felt someone grab my arm roughly and second later that hand was ripped away.

I saw Demetri glaring at Renesmee. Then she did the stupidest thing anyone could ever do. She slapped Demetri! My Demetri! My best friend!

Of course he didn't even flinch but it still pissed him off. Heck, it pissed me off. I went up to Renesmee and back handed her into a wall across the room. She just pissed me off!

How dare she touch my family!
How dare she come in here and start demanding things!

I was still standing in front of Demetri and I was pissed.
"Touch my family again and I will rip you apart!"

After I screamed that the entire party stopped and watched us.

Renesmee ran up to me and I ran up to her. I kicked her and she flew into a pillar and she cracked it. I walked up to her and grabbed her throat. Then I was pushed away from her by a giant silver wolf. Feeling something wet and warm, I look down and see that my shoulder was bleeding badly from the bite. By now the entire guard had surrounded me and the three kings have arrived.

The were all surprised and angry about the sudden trouble.

Father sped next to me and grabbed my shoulder inspecting it.
Then Father passed me to Demetri and growled.

"Who has done this to MY DAUGHTER?!"
The growl was loud and fearless.
Everyone was avoiding eye contact then we see the Cullens and the pack run to Renesmee.
Bella was freaking out because of the marks and the hand print that I left on her neck. Renesmee cried and pointed in my direction.

Uncle Caius had snapped his fingers and walked up to the Cullens.
"Renesmee Carlie Cullen, you have commited a crime and the punishment is death!"
The guard was pulling Renesmee away while the Cullens were trying to reach her.

Everyone looked at me and I got up with Demetri's help.

"No punishment will be needed at least not death. I have a better idea. The pack will go back to La Push and the Cullens will stay here in volterra."

All of the Cullens eyes were wide and Renesmee was wide and she started crying.
"I have an imprint! We can't be apart! We could die!!"
Renesmee screamed at me with a smirk.

"Exactly why this will be YOUR punishment."

She looked upset and just like that the pack was escorted out of volterra. I will admit that it was funny seeing Renesmee and Jacob try to reach eachother. When the pack was gone Renesmee fell to get knees and cried. Uncle Caius was laughing at Renesmee and said that my punishment was entertaining for him. We all laughed at his response.

They were taken to the dungeon until the party was over. The party lasted the entire day. My arm had healed because of my vampire side and I was okay for the rest of the party. Demetri didn't leave my side at all. It was very peaceful afterwards and when the party ended we all went to go see the Cullens.

I had separated the Cullens into different cells.
Rosalie and Emmett
Alice and Jasper
Edward and Carlsile and Esme
Bella and Renesmee

I still had my dress on and I wanted to do something before I change my clothing for bed. I walked into Bella and Renesmee
cell with Demetri and Felix. I had Felix hold Bella back while she watched me. Demetri had Renesmee hands behind her back. I walked up to Renesmee and punched her in her stomach and didn't stop until after fifty left and right punches. She was whimpering and crying.
"How does it feel Renesmee?"

"Stop! Please Stop!" Bella had begged trying effortlessly to get to Renesmee.

I held Renesmee by her neck and ripped her head off. There was a series of screams to be heard.
Her blood had spilled out on my dress.
Now, I definenlty have to change.
Then I walked out to Carlisle cell and brought him to Renesmee.

"Fix her!" I demanded

He ran over to Renesmee and attached her head back to her neck. She was still part human so her healing will take longer.

Then there was a phone going off in Renesmee pocket. I grabbed it and saw the collar I.D. ;Jacob Black.

I turned the phone off.
I grabbed Demetri and Felix and locked all the cells back.

Something tells me that we should be expecting company.

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