CHAPTER twenty-four

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Demetri pov.
We were all waiting for Tasha to wake and they say that she is almost done.  It has been a month.
The Salvatores are surprised that it is taking so long for her to transistion.

"I am sorry."  That was all the Salvatores and a girl named Caroline said.

Personally, I don't care about what they say.


The girl named Elena just rolls her eyes at us and I have broken her neck and bones almost thirty times already.  She is a rude and disrespectful little Bitch!

Someone better grab her and put her down before I do!

All of the Cullens and pack was in the dungeon except for Jasper, Edward, Leah and Seth.  They separated themselves from the Cullen Clan and the pack after finding out about what they were planning.

The plan was for them to change her, take her and torture her until she stops attacking the Cullen or better yet Renesmee.

Tasha was still transitioning but she will start screaming and nobody knew why.  They said that it couldn't be the transition because that doesn't just happen.

Marcus had gone through her phone looking to see what was playing and we notice that the song that Marcus played was on.  He put it on speaker and all of a sudden Tasha stopped screaming and was humming the song.  We all stopped and for the first time in a month we all smiled.

"I am..." 
I cut Damon and Stefan and Caroline off with a growl.

"Stop apologizing!"  It was annoying and constantly irritating me more and more.

Then we heard people downstairs.  It was time for dinner and that was when Caius had walked back upstairs covered in blood.

"Bella is dead.  Alice is dead.  Renesmee is in pain."  He growled this while looking at Edward and Jasper.

They looked annoyed and extremely pissed off.

"Where is my mother's ring? "  Edward asked not caring that Bella is dead.  Caius had passed the ring to Edward and did the same with Jasper.  Then he had them follow him and they walked downstairs to go eat.  They changed their diet ever since they came here.

We then heard a whimper and we were confused about what was happening again.

"We must feed."  Aro had to constantly remind us so that we stayed fed and healthy.  We would all take turns and shifts.  Everyone has left the room and I was the only one left.

I feed last because I want to be here the most.  Marcus does the same.  Sometimes I stand out the door because he wants alone time with his daughter.  Marcus had turned aggressive, the Salvatores have to stay away from him.  They aren't even allowed to come near Tasha since she is defenseless.  Normally, he stays with me but he hasn't fed in a week and needs to just in case.

I stand here and just watch her.

When you wake up Tasha, I will make sure that nobody will ever harm you again.  We are best friends till the end, don't leave me.

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