CHAPTER twelve

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Carlisle- This isn't good, but I called the volturi and told them our situation.

Rosalie- She is just a child, she just turned eighteen for goodness sake

Carlisle- She is out of control

Edward- Did we really need to call the volturi?

Bella-  Of course, do you not see what is happening?  If she carries on she could hurt somebody.  What if Renesmee gets hurt, then what?

Edward-  She isn't like this.  She is normally calm and colletcted

Bella- How would you know?
Maybe this is who she really is.

Emmett- Enough!  This isn't helping!

Jasper- Everybody needs to calm down

Alice-  I can't see her at all, instead all I see are storms.

Bella- what did the volturi say?

Carlsile-  They aren't happy but they think they know how to get her to calm down and stop before anymore damage can be made

Edward- It won't work, she blocked herself from Alice thoughts and I can't read her mind.  He won't be able to track her and Alec can't even touch her with his gift.  She is somehow protecting herself from everything around her.  She used winds to communicate with us.

Rosalie-  Why is she doing this?

Jasper-  She is upset, angry and all the above.

Bella-  How can you tell?

Edward-  You were able to feel her emotions?

Jasper- No, I felt the winds emotions.  When she used the winds to talk to us, I somehow felt what she was feeling.  I think that Edward is right, something happened that pushed her over the edge. 

Bella-  Nothing happened!  We would have known!

Rosalie-  Shut up!  It was a thought!  We aren't accusing anyone! So shut up!

Carlsile- STOP!!

Esme- This isn't going to change anything!   We need to remember that we are a family and arguing with eachother is going to make this situation worse!

**Two hours later**

Aro-  Where is she?

Carlsile-  We know that she is in the forest but we can't point out her specific location.  She is somehow protecting herself.

Caius-  How did this happen?

Carlsile- All we know is that the storms have started and she is the cause of this.  We don't know why.

Edward-  She is normally a good kid.  I believe that something happened and we don't know about it.

Bella-  Edward!  Nothing happened!

Rosalie- Shut up Bella!

Bella-  Why do you HATE ME?!?!



*Bella went to Edward's room while Rosalie went to her's  and Emmett's room*

Edward-  I'm sorry I need a minute.

*Edward walks off*

Emmett- I'll go and calm down Rose.

*Emmett went to Rosalie hoping that he will be able to calm her down so they could focus on the problem at hand*

Aro- Does this normally happen?

Carlsile- The current situation has gotten to us all.

Aro- I would like to speak to her, is that posssible?

*Carlsile gives Aro his hand*

Aro- Oh my.  Alice you see nothing that can be of use?

Alice- Nothing, she must have let her protection down once and that is how I knew it was her. 

Jasper- We need to find a way to calm her down.  When she spoke to us using winds, I was able to feel what she was feelimg.  I think we need to know what set her off.

Marcus- I want to speak to her.

Caius- Are you sure?

Marcus- I don't think force is going to end this.  She might need someone who is going to understand and listen to her.

Aro-  Carlsile get everyone ready, Marcus has an idea.

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