Drowning Distress (ugh such a bad title ;-;)

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Marlin and Dory had planned to meet up with Hank, Crush, Destiny, Bailey, Peach and Gill at the tbeach. Marlin had just dropped off his son, Nemo at Jenny and Charlie's home, just across the street from his home. "Now you promise to be good to Jenny and Charlie, okay?" Marlin asked. "I will, dad. I promise." Said Nemo. "Good, we'll be back in a few hours." Marlin walked over to Dory. "Alright, have fun you two." Said Charlie, waving to Marlin and Dory. "We will, bye!"

Before they left, Jenny gave one last hug to her daughter. "You be careful, okay? And stay close to Marlin." Marlin blushed. "I'll make sure she doesn't get hurt." Marlin promised. "Thank you so much, Marlin." Said Charlie. Marlin nodded, took Dory's hand, and the two made their way out the door. The two got into Marlin's car, but Marlin got a call before he could start the car.

He checked his phone and saw Crush's number. "Who's calling?" Dory asked, sitting at the passenger seat. "Crush." Marlin said before answering the phone. "Hello?" "Duuude, we're at the beach already! Where are you?" Crush immediately asked. "I just dropped Nemo off at Jenny and Charlie's we're on our way now." "Good, we'll see ya there." "Alright, bye." Marlin hung up. "Are they already there?" Dory asked. "Yep, we must be late."

Marlin turned the key into the ignition and backed the car out of the drive way. On the way to the beach, Dory fell asleep on Marlin's shoulder. Marlin chuckled and kissed her forehead. Once they finally got to the beach, Marlin gently shook Dory awake. "Hey, sleepyhead. We're here." Dory woke up and rubbed her eyes. "We are? How long was I out?" "Most of the ride." "Oh, I'm sorry." "That's okay, it was a long drive anyway." Dory nodded and the two got out of the car.

While Marlin was looking for the others, he was immediately greeted to a loud "Duuuuuude! You made it!" followed by a one crushing hug from Crush. "C-Crush! Can't breathe!" Marlin choked. "Oh, sorry dude." Crush apologized, letting go if Marlin. "Relax a little, Crush." Someone behind Marlin said. It turned out to be Hank and next to him were Gill and Peach. "They just got here not two seconds ago and you already put someone in a chokehold." Hank joked.

"Hey, Frank!" Dory greeted, hugging her dreadlocked friend. "It's still Hank, Kid." Hank corrected, hugging her back. "Good to see you again, Hank." Said Marlin, shaking Hank's free hand. "You too, Marlin." Hank said, letting go of Dory. "So, where are Destiny and Bailey?" Asked Dory. "Oh, they're at the beach already. They picked out a spot for us." Peach explained. "Great, let's go." Marlin said and the six of them headed to the beach. Meanwhile, Destiny and Bailey were talking by their spot. Bailey spotted the others and waved to them. "Hey, guys!" He greeted.

"Dory!" Destiny practically ran towards Dory. "Destiny! Pedestrian! Pedestrian!" Bailey shouted. "Huh?" Before Bailey could respond, Destiny crashed into Dory, causing the two to land into the sand. "Ow." Dory groaned. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry, Dory!" Destiny quickly helped Dory up. "Are you okay, Dory?" Marlin asked, checking her for any injuries. "Yep, I'm fine." Dory replied. "Destiny, you got to be more careful next time." Bailey said once he caught up with everyone else. "I know, I'm sorry." Destiny apologized.

Later on, Dory and Destiny were talking in the water, Marlin was talking Bailey and Hank on the shore, Gill was playing his guitar whilst Peach laid next to him and Crush was catching some waves on his surf board. It was turning out to be a fun normal afternoon, until grey clouds started to form. "Huh?" Asked Hank, staring at the sudden storm. "It's probably gonna rain." Marlin assumed. "Yeah, we gotta head back." Said Bailey. "Okay, I'll get Gill and Peach. Marlin, go get Crush. And Bailey, you get Destiny and Dory." Marlin and Bailey nodded, heading off to where they're told to go.

Bailey made it to the area of water where Dory and Destiny were. "Guys! Get back! It's gonna rain!" He called out to them. "Huh? Who's calling us?" Destiny asked, squinting her eyes so she could see. "Um.. oh Hailey!" Dory answered. "You mean Bailey?" "Yeah, whatever." "Come on, then. Let's get back to shore." Said Destiny, swimming back towards the sand. While trying to head back, Destiny's foot got caught in some coral. "Help! I'm stuck!" Destiny yelled, before sinking underwater, struggling to free her foot.

"Destiny! Hold on, I got you!" Dory swam to Destiny and tried to pull her out, failing every attempt. Bailey was looking over to where the two are. "What's going on? Why aren't they coming?" He asked. By that time the others were with him, watching as well. "Dude, I think Destiny's stuck!" Said Crush. "What!?" Bailey quickly ran out towards them. "Bailey, wait!" Shouted Marlin, before running after him. "Crush, come with me, the rest of you stay here, okay?" Gill ordered. "Be careful, Gill." Said Peach.

Gill kissed Peach's forehead. "I will, I promise." Gill said before he and Crush caught up with the others. Destiny struggled to breathe whilst still trying to get unstuck. She couldn't hold it in anymore and passed out. By the time she did, Bailey, Marlin, Crush and Gill arrived. "Guys, hurry! She lost consciousness!" Dory pleaded, tears falling from her face. Gill turned over to Marlin and signaled him to follow him. Gill took a breath and went underwater, Marlin proceeding to do the same. Gill found Destiny's foot caught on a piece of coral. He took a second to think of a way to free her. He got an idea and signaled Marlin again.

He pointed to a rock that was next to him. Marlin nodded and went to grab it. He gave it to Gill and he turned back around. He took the rock and used it to break the coral that caught Destiny's foot. After s few hits, the coral broke and her foot was free. Marlin and Gill swam back up. "We got her unstuck." Said Gill. "Thank goodness." Bailey said, taking one of Destiny's arms and wrapping it around his shoulders. "Crush, a little help please?" "Sure thing dude." Crush took Destiny's other arm and set it over his shoulders. The two carried Destiny back to shore while the others followed.

Peach and Hank ran over to Destiny and helped her to the shore once she got close. "What do we do? She's still passed out." Bailey asked. "Don't worry, I was a nurse. I got this." Peach chimed. "Wait a minute, you were part of the medical field?" Gill asked, making Peach blush a bit. "Yeah, that was before I was put into that lab." "Guys, we can talk about this later. We got bigger matters to tend to." Said Hank. Peach nodded and started to press down on Destiny's chest. It took a minute but Destiny finally gained consciousness. She started to cough loudly whilst trying to breathe. "Destiny! Thank goodness you're alive!"

Bailey immediately pulled her into a hug and showered her with kisses. "I was so worried! I though I lost you!" "U-Um, what do you mean? What happened?" Asked Destiny. "Yeah, what did happen? I don't remember any of the past couple of minutes." Dory commented. "You drowned, but thankfully, Peach managed to save your life." Marlin explained. Destiny looked over to Peach and smiled. "Thank you, Peach." "It was nothing, I just did what I had to." Peach rubbed the back of her neck. "Welp you still managed to impress me once again." Gill said before kissing Peach's cheek.

"Well now what do we do, dudes? It's raining cats and dogs." Said Crush. "We better head back home." Hank suggested. The others nodded and headed to their cars. While driving back, Destiny laid her head on Bailey's shoulder. "I'm sorry about today." She apologized. Bailey put an arm around her. "It's okay, it wasn't your fault. From now on, I promise to be your eyes no matter what." Destiny slightly giggled. "You're such a sweetheart, Bailey." "Well I want best for my Dest."


A/N: Hey Guys! I finally got this out :DDDDD I couldn't come up with the best title so I'm sorry about that. I'm also not really proud of the first part that was focusing too much on Marlin and Dory even though this was supposed to be a short centered around Destiny X Bailey. I also tried to look up Marlin, Crush, Hank, Bailey, and Peach's voice actors to see if they have ever been in the medical field and I found nothing. Though fun fact, Hank's actor, Ed O'Neil had trained in martial arts for around 22 years so I decided to put a bit of that element into Hank's personality. So since I found nothing relating to the medical field, I had to choose the character who would probably fit the best when it came to medical situations. I chose Peach, because she seems like the smartest out of the Tank Gang and would probably know a thing or two about anything. Also as I'm writing this, it's storming outside ironically XD Anyways, hope you somewhat enjoyed this!

~ Rxin3 💜☔️

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