Peach's Brother (TW: Attempted Suicide)

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⚠️Trigger Warning: ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. If this bothers you, you may skip this one.⚠️

A/N: This is a short I made for one of my newer OCs, Peter, Peach's younger brother. He is based off of Allison Janney's younger brother that passed away from an addiction. This also features another OC, Maggie. Now I am still working on Maggie's backstory short but basically all you need to know right now is that she was placed in the lab after Nemo escapes and before the rest of the Tank Gang escape. She helps the gang escape and she now lives with the gang as Gill and Peach's adopted daughter. But this is about Peter not Maggie, so enjoy :3

Peach was laying on the ground in pitch darkness, in the distance a voice echoed throughout the area. "Peach!" The voice cried. Peach's eyes quickly shot open once she realized the voice was calling her name. She stood up and frantically looked around, trying to find the voice. She could see nothing, but darkness. "H-Hello?" "Peach!" Peach stopped and noticed a human looking figure standing a few feet away from her. "Help!" The figure cried. Peach ran over to the figure to try and get a good look at it.

"Hello!? Are you okay!?" She called back. "Help me, Peach!" "I'm coming!" Once she got closer, the figure started to look more like a recognizable person. The person was male with longish pink hair, the same color as Peach's, with half of his hair covering his right eye, glasses, and a light pink shirt with a pink tie. Peach suddenly recognized who this person was, tears falling from her cheeks. "Peter?" Peter turned to Peach with a slight smile. "Peter!" She hugged him. "I'm so sorry I left! You have no idea what I've been through!"

"Save it, sis." Peter said in a more grimmer tone. Peach glanced up at him confused. "What?" Without warning, Peter shoved Peach to the ground. He stared down at her, grinning. "How does it feel now, little miss perfect?" "Peter-" "Shut it! Do you have any idea how much your popularity has tortured me!?" "I never asked for popularity!" "It doesn't matter! You being a very talented student had led me into being bullied by those same kids that admired you! What's worse was YOU were the one that had to rescue me! You should've left me to fend for myself, maybe then I would've gotten some respect too!"

"Peter, that isn't true! I would never leave you behind. I respect you!" Peter scoffs. "You're only saying that out of pity." "I'm not! I've always cared about and respected you! I wish I never left you behind without warning!" "I'm honestly glad you left. That meant I could try to be the one everyone loves and adores." This broke Peach's heart. How could her own brother say this to her face to face? "Y-You're wrong! This isn't you! You're not my little brother! And I'll prove it by finding you again!"

Peter chuckled. "I'd like to see you try." He grinned at her one more time before charging right at her. "Aaaah!!!" Her eyes shot open again, only to be met with Gill who was shaking her vigorously. "Peach! Oh thank god you're awake! Are you okay? You kept on screaming and crying and it worried me-" Peach brought knees to her chest and broke down, sobbing against her them. Gill hugged her, letting her cry against his shoulder. "It's okay, you're safe. I got you." He whispered whilst gently stroking her back.

Peach tried to explain what happened, her words muffled against Gill's shoulder. He chuckled a bit at this. "I can't hear you, love." Peach moves her head from his shoulder and repeated. "T-There's something I never told you." "What? What is it?" She hesitated before continuing. "I have a brother." "Huh?" "I have a younger brother named Peter and I need to go back home and see him again." She explained once more. "Why?" Gill asked. "Because he must be worried to death, and knowing him he may not even be safe right now."

"What do you mean?" "Because he loathes himself. He was only happy whenever I was with him." Peach gasped, getting a terrible realization. "What if he isn't alive!? What if he already-" "Shh, Peach it's gonna be okay. I don't think he would do something like that." Assured Gill. "I've been separated from him for years, it's bound to have happened!" Peach retorted. "Look, let's not jump to conclusions. We can go see your brother to make sure he's alright. Where does he live?" Peach gulped, knowing Gill probably wouldn't be okay with her answer.

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