Gift Hunting (Christmas Short 2019 3/5)

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Plot Summary: Bruce wanted to thank Marlin for hosting the Christmas party, so he tries desperately to find a gift for him, but he hasn't been able to get much help, that is until he decides to call Crush

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Plot Summary: Bruce wanted to thank Marlin for hosting the Christmas party, so he tries desperately to find a gift for him, but he hasn't been able to get much help, that is until he decides to call Crush. How will he help his panicked friend?

A/N: Hey! We move onto the second short I have written, but it's the third one that will be published because I'm publishing them in chronological order. I really liked the concept of this one and hope y'all like it X3

OCs featured: Nala

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Anchor groaned, trying to block off whatever was the source of that screaming. He heard his bedroom door being kicked down, which caused him to jump. "Oh come on! That's the third time my door's been kno-" "ANCHOR! I NEED HELP!" It turned out that it was Bruce, clearly in a state of panic. "Whoa, mate. Calm down. Why are you freaking out so much?" "Tonight's Marlin's Christmas party and I haven't gotten a gift for him yet!" Cried Bruce. "Wait, didn't you get Dory for secret Santa?" Asked Anchor. "Y-Yeah, but I thought I'd give something to Marlin too to thank him for hosting the party, but I got no ideas on what to get him!" "Don't worry, I'm sure you can find a gift for Marlin by the end of the day." Anchor tried to calm his mate down to no avail. "The problem is, I don't have any idea on what to get him!" Bruce exclaimed. "Huh? How do you not know?" Asked Anchor. "You know Marlin way more than Chum and I do." "I know! But the thing is, I want Marlin's gift to be perfect!" Anchor sighed, setting a hand on Bruce's shoulder. "Mate, I'm sure Marlin would appreciate any gift you give him for Christmas." "I guess.. Still, you got any ideas?" "Oh, no I don't. Sorry, mate." Bruce rolled his eyes and stomped out of the room. Chum steps out of his room to see Bruce angrily march into his room and slam the door. Chum approaches Anchor with a confused look. "What happened?" "Emotional crisis." He simply answered. "Oh boy." "Yeah, just leave him be."

Bruce enters his room, glancing at Nala. She was happily roaming around in her cage. He chuckled before taking her out to pet the bunny. On Bruce's birthday, Marlin gave him a small white bunny that he decided to name Nala. Ever since that day, he's loved that bunny more than anything. "Wish you could talk, Nala. Maybe you'd be able to tell me what to get Marlin." He then groaned out of frustration. "What was I thinking? I remember to get Dory a gift and not Marlin!?" He referred to a gift bag that was left on the side of the room which contained Dory's gift. He got her a music box that played "Love of My Life" by Queen. (Link to the music box: Nala of course didn't say word, instead nuzzled against Bruce's arm, making him smile a bit. "You're right, Nala. Maybe I shouldn't be worrin' so much. I'll just call up some people. Maybe they'll know what Marlin would like." With that, he picks up his phone to dial some numbers. Before he could, he hears Chum enter his room.

"Bruce! Hurry! We have to get ready for the party!" "That's not until tonight, mate. Plus, I got bigger things to worry about right now." "No! We need to buy suits!" Anchor appears behind Chum, equally as panicked as him. "Yeah, ya know. The suits we said we'd buy last month!? Then last week!? Then yesterday!?" Bruce gasped, realizing Anchor was right. 'We really should've been more responsible!' He thought. "Hurry it up, let's go!" Bruce ordered as the three then rushed out of the house, leaving Nala to sit there confused over what had just went down.

They arrived back home by late afternoon. Bruce entered his room with his newly bought suit he was going to wear to the party. He looks down to see that Nala was still out of her cage. "Oh shoot! I'm sorry, Nala. I forgot to put you back in your cage." He picks the bunny up and gently places her in the cage. "Hm, surprised we went out longer than expected. What time is i-" Bruce checked his watch. It was 6:00. The party starts at 8:30. "AAH! I ONLY GOT TWO HOURS TO COME UP WITH A GIFT FOR MARLIN AND I STILL HAVE NOTHING!" He quickly picked up his phone, frantically searching his contacts. He first tried Hank. "Talk to me." He said nonchalantly on the other end. "HANK! I need help!" Cried Bruce. "I've been trying desperately to get Marlin a gift, I have no ideas and I'm running out of time! Please, mate! Do you know of anything I could get him!?" "Look, I'm in no mood to help you go gift hunting. I'm trying to get ready for this party." Replied Hank, sounding rather annoyed. "But I had no idea on who else to call! Please, Hank! I need your help!" Bruce exclaimed. "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!" Hank snapped. "JUST GET OFF MY BACK AND FIND SOMEONE ELSE TO HELP!" "Wait-!" But he was too late, Hank had already hung up.

Bruce frantically searched through his contacts again until he found Crush. 'Worth a shot.' He thought before dialing his number. "Whaddup, Crush speaking." "Crush, it's Bruce! I need your help!" "Ah, you sound troubled. What seems to be the problem, dude?" Asked Crush. "I've been trying to get Marlin a Christmas gift to give to him at his party. I tried calling some people, but they don't know either, and I think you're my last resort." Explained Bruce. "Issues involving Christmas gifts. Not a problem. Meet me in the city in 20 minutes." Crush ordered. "What? Why?" "Trust me, dude." "Um, alright." Without another word, Bruce hung up and headed out to find Crush. He was standing in front of a coffee shop, drinking a latte he must've ordered from there.

"So, why are we meeting here again?" Bruce asked. "Come walk with me." Crush was about to take a step, but Bruce intervenes. "We don't have time to take a stroll! The party's in 2 hours and I still don't have a gift!" "Relax dude." Said Crush, trying to ease Bruce's nerves. "I wanted you to come here so we could walk. Not only for you to chill out about this whole situation, but you'd maybe get an idea for a gift after a little stroll." Bruce was hesitant on trusting what Crush was saying, but he hasn't let anyone down before. Plus, he's practically Marlin's wingman. If Marlin trusted Crush, it wouldn't hurt for Bruce to trust him as well, would it? He sighed before replying "Alright." And following Crush through the city streets. Bruce had to admit Crush was right about getting gift ideas as they were walking down a street that was loaded with different shops. To break the awkward silence between the two, Bruce decided to ask Crush a few questions. "So uh.. what do you think I should do for Marlin's gift, because I want it to be perfect, ya'know?"

"Gifts, especially Christmas gifts, are extremely valuable. This gift should be special to not just Marlin, but to you as well." Crush explained. "My favorite way of being able to decide on a gift is to think back on a memory I had with that person. I give them a gift based around that particular moment, as a way to say thanks for letting me spend it with them." Well, Crush never failed to confuse someone with his wisdom. "Give a gift based on a memory?" Asked Bruce. "Yeah, dude." Crush stopped walking, turning around to face Bruce. "Close your eyes, and think about a memory with Marlin that you cherish." Bruce slightly rolled his eyes before doing so. 'Alright. This is odd. Now I'm being put on the spot.' He thought. 'Okay, what memory with Marlin do I cherish? I cherish a lot of them so it's gonna be hard to pick.' He suddenly came up with one.

It was a month or two earlier. Bruce, Marlin & Dory were walking down the same street. The atmosphere started to get colder. Marlin didn't realize the sudden change of weather that he forgot to bring another jacket. He was freezing whilst Dory tried to warm him to no avail. Bruce suddenly remembered he had a jacket he could give Marlin. He was anxious about doing it at first, but once he glanced at Marlin, who was still shivering from the cold, he knew he had to do it. Bruce nonchalantly took off one of his jackets and placed it over his shoulders. "Here, mate. It's not much, but I hope it helps." The jacket Bruce put around Marlin was practically the size of a throw blanket for him, but it did do its job by keeping him warm. "It's a little big, but thanks." He said before flashing Bruce a small smile which made his heart practically melt.

'A jacket... A jacket! That's it!' Bruce opened his eyes once he got a gift idea. "I know what to get Marlin!" He grabbed Crush's hand and the two ran across a couple streets to find a small winter clothing store. The two looked around until Bruce had finally found Marlin the perfect jacket. They purchased it and left the store satisfied. Bruce sighed in content. "Wow, I can't believe we actually did it." "Nah, dude. You did it." Bruce gave Crush a small grin. "Thank you, Crush. Your advice actually worked." "Anytime, dude." Bruce checked his watch. 7:50. "CARP! WE GOT 40 MINUTES TO GET TO THIS PARTY!" Bruce panicked again. "COME ON, WE GOTTA GO!" With that, the two ran through the streets again, trying to get back home as quick as possible. As Bruce was running, he was thinking how excited he was to give Marlin the jacket. 'Let's hope he likes it.'

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