The Lab (Tank) Gang

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A/N: This takes place a year before the events of "Finding Nemo" and this this tacky and cliche as heck and I'm sorry! I just thought this was an interesting topic to write about!

It's a year before the events of Marlin traveling halfway across the world to find his son, Nemo. Gill has just been placed inside this lab where patients who are accused of having mental or physical diseases or just don't act or look normal are taken as patients for horrific surgeries to try and fix the problem. This lab of course is illegal but the government hasn't been able to catch them yet. He was tossed inside a large room, enough to fit eight patients with 4 bunk beds, a table and chairs, and a couple windows, one by the table that led to a hallway and another higher up by the forklift that led to a surgery room. There was also a lot of construction equipment, a large forklift standing out. This room must've still been in construction. Gill immediately ran towards the door and banged on it with all his might until a doctor finally yelled "SHUT UP IN THERE!" Gill sighed and stopped, approaching one of the beds. He just laid there with his hands in his face. You see, Gill was placed here because of suspicion. He looked menacing towards them, even though he had no evil motives and is actually a pretty caring guy. But that's not what the doctors thought. One day when Gill was resting at his hiding spot, smoking a cigarette, on the roof of an abandoned car in an alleyway near Sydney harbor, he got ambushed by some of the lab's workers. He tried to escape but they already caught up to him and took him to the lab. Thinking back to that only made Gill feel worse. He now knew how cruel and judgmental the world is, so he grew resentful towards other people. If others don't like him, why should he like them? Gill realized he still had his cigarettes and his guitar around his shoulder from before those doctors dragged him to this lab. He turned it over and tuned it before strumming a soft, mellow tune.

One day, Gill decided enough was enough, so he made plans on escaping. He checked his surroundings, seeing how he could do it. I could try the air ducts. He thought. But I wouldn't fit. He then noticed a loose bolt on the window that led to a hallway. This was his chance. Gill quickly went over to the door and quietly loosened the bolts with his guitar pick so no one could hear. Once he got half the window loose, he waited until the coast was clear and sneaked out of the room. He stealthed his way through the hall until he got to the front door. When he tried to open the door, an emergency alarm went off, signaling a patient's trying to escape. Gill instantly made a run for it, bursting through the parking lot. He thought he was almost free, nearly reaching the exit but he ends up tripping and falling face first onto some broken glass from a beer bottle on the pavement. The doctors finally caught back up to him and threw him back in the room. Gill slowly got up from the floor, his face hurting a lot. He saw a mirror  on the wall by a sink and went over to it. He kept his eyes closed for a few seconds until opening them to see the damage on his face. The glass ended up causing not only a few cuts, but a big scar all across his right eye. Gill looked horrified, and quickly hid it with his long hair. I can't let anyone see this. They'll probably think I'm more intimidating than ever. He thought to himself.

Weeks later, the smaller cuts healed but the scar on his eye remained. His hair still hid it from plain sight. He sat on one of the beds, tuning his guitar until he heard some footsteps coming into towards the room. The door opened and instantly someone was tossed in, a female around his age. "And stay in!" One of the doctors shouted, shoving her against the floor and slamming the door shut. "Ow." She groaned, getting up to her knees and rubbing her head. He didn't know why, but Gill didn't seem to resent her at all. Normally he hated others but something about this woman was different. Gill immediately set his guitar down and went to help the woman out. "Are you alright?" Peach looked up at Gill, giving him a better look at her. She had dark brown eyes, short magenta hair, a light pink buttoned shirt with a star pin and dark pink jeans. Gill offered her his hand, making her blush and accept the offer, taking his hand and letting him pull her up. "Y-Yeah. I'm alright, thanks." She finally spoke. "You know a woman like you shouldn't be treated like that." Said Gill. Her cheeks burned as she slightly smiled and thanked him. He then noticed blood leaking through her jeans on her left leg. "What happened to your leg?" He asked. "Oh, as those doctors were taking me inside, I tried to escape but one of their guard dogs attacked me." She explained. "Hmm. Let me see if there's anything to patch your leg up." Gill searches the area and found a first aid kit by the mirror and sink. He took the woman with him over to the sink and let her sit in the stool that was by the mirror. Gill took a cotton ball with some rubbing alcohol and started dabbing the wound, making it sting her leg.

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