🍁Thanksgiving Proposal🍁

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A/N: Hey guys! I know y'all are gonna pester me for not making a short in a long time. I'm really sorry about that. I've been working on other projects, I was getting caught up with school work, etc, So I haven't really had time. I also haven't been having any new ideas. I was going to make a Halloween special this year, but I didn't know how I was going to write it out, so that never came to be. I also started it last minute and I ended up running out of time. This time, it's early November and I'm gonna hopefully get this short out by the time Thanksgiving comes. And I also wanna make another Christmas short. I have an old draft from last year lying around and I might improve that one. Anyways, I apologize for the wait.

Today's short is another Dory/Marlin one! Finally! I'm really excited about this one because this is going to be centered around a special moment in their relationship! X3 This one's also gonna contain some of my OCs again because why not? I didn't get to include them last year so we gonna do it this year. Anyways, enjoy!

November had finally arrived. The air started to become more chillier and the leaves had already changed color from their usual bright green to reds, oranges and browns. It felt like this year had come and gone so quickly. A lot has happened over the course of the last two years. Nemo was taken away during his first day of school, Marlin had rescued him with the help of Dory and a few other new friends he met along the way, the three went on a journey to find Dory's parents in California, and Marlin and Dory adopted Bluebell into their home.

It was all pretty chaotic, but Marlin wouldn't change it for the world. He would've still been paranoid over Nemo's safety, never would've been able to trust his son, never would've met the many great friends he has now, and most importantly, he never would've met Dory. Marlin owed Dory his whole life, not just for her helping him find his son, but also showing him how to love again after what happened with Coral all those years ago.

Thanksgiving was right around the corner, and this year Marlin wanted to do something special. He was ready to make the next step into their relationship. He went upstairs, opened one of the drawers in his dresser, and took out a small box. Marlin opened it, glancing at the ring inside of it. It was silver, with some sapphires around it. In the center, there was an amethyst. Marlin made sure to have the place cut it to make it look like a seashell. He smiled at the little details in the center of it. He knew for sure Dory would love it. Marlin had planned this proposal months ago, that's when he bought the ring.

He decided he wanted to do it on Thanksgiving because if it wasn't for Dory, he never would've known what it felt like to be part of a real family again, and Thanksgiving was the perfect time to show his gratitude for that. Dory invited her parents over for Thanksgiving as Marlin did with his brother and sisters. Marlin didn't mind Jenny and Charlie coming of course, but he wasn't ready to have Charlie pester him about proposing to Dory. At least they both know that they want it to happen at the right time. Marlin had strived for this perfect Thanksgiving, nothing could ruin it. Right?

Dory was in the kitchen preparing the food while Marlin was setting everything up in the dining room, with the help of Nemo and Bluebell. "When's grandma Jenny and grandpa Charlie going to be here?" asked Bluebell. "They said they would be here in 15 minutes." Replied Marlin. "I hope they get here soon! Grandma Jenny's bringing pumpkin pie and I can't wait to try it!" Said Nemo as he was happily setting the plates on the table. Nemo's enthusiasm ended up distracting him, causing a plate from his hand to fall. Dory came into the room around this time and noticed the falling dish. "Fabio! Look out!" Dory exclaimed, lunging herself toward the table. The whole scene felt like it was in slow motion as she successfully caught the plate. Unfortunately though, Dory wasn't fast enough to dodge the actual table, so she ended up hitting her head against one of the table's legs.  "I-I caught it." She weakly held up the plate. "Dory!" Marlin quickly helped her up. "Honey, are you okay?" "Huh? Why do you ask? Did something happen?" Asked Dory. The impact to Dory's head caused her to forget what just happened.

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