Double Birthdays

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Today's short contains some small cussing, just a small warning to the kiddies.

A/N: YAY I GOT A BIRTHDAY SHORT OUT!!!! ALSO AS OF MAY 2ND 2019 I AM NOW OFFICIALLY 17 YAY!!!!! X333 Okay, so in my HUMAN OC headcanon my self insert Maggie's birthday is May 2nd and my OC Bluebell's birthday is May 8th. I thought it'd be cute if they shared their birthdays since they're so close. So every year, Maggie and Bluebell have a big birthday party in the end of April, right before each other's birthdays. This short will be about the first time this happened, after Bluebell and Maggie were adopted into their families. Btw, a note, I have two AUs, the original Human AU and the Human AU with ALL of my OCs, this is so you're not confused by seeing them all here at the same time. Also another thing, I was originally gonna write this as Bluebell and Nemo combining their birthdays, but then I realized Maggie's is the same day as mine, so I then thought of making it a triple birthday, but then I settled on just Maggie and Bluebell. In my headcanon, Nemo's birthday is April 8th so it isn't as close to Bluebell's as I thought it was. With that said, enjoy!


Nemo and Bluebell were slumped over their desks, trying to stay awake. Squirt had just walked into the class, nearly late as usual. He glanced over at the two confused. "What's up with them, dudette?" He asked Pearl. "I'm not sure, usually they aren't this tired. I thought I heard them say something about pulling an all nighter to finish the project." She tapped Nemo's head, waking him up in a flash.

"Oh, h-hey Pearl. How are ya?" He tiredly greeted her. "Nemo, you saw me before the bell rang." "Oh right, I did, didn't I?" "Are you guys okay? Did you get the project finished?" Asked Sheldon. Bluebell and Nemo held up the project they worked on together. "After almost 3 hours, we finally got it done." Answered Bluebell. "Wow, I'm impressed with you dudes." Squirt complimented. "I ended up copying most of the information Sheldon and I needed online." Explained Tad. "That's called plagiarism, you know that right?" Sheldon replied with a snarky tone.

"Oh, Bluebell. It's almost your birthday right?" Asked Squirt, changing the subject. This made her more awake as she replied "Yeah it is. You guys know Maggie, right?" "The high schooler who helped the lab gang escape?" Asked Sheldon. "Yeah! Since she and I have birthdays that are close together, I usually forget that mine's almost a week after her's."

"How cool would that be though, if you two had the same birthday." Said Nemo. "That would mean a bigger party with more presents!" "Yeah, but wouldn't you not want to have to share it with someone else? Isn't a birthday supposed to be revolved around yourself?" Asked Tad. "Yeah even though that would be cool to just have a day dedicated to yourself, it just seems more fun if it was shared with a good friend or a sibling." Said Pearl.

"What if all six of us shared the same birthday?" Asked Squirt excitedly. "Now that would be awesome!" Added Bluebell before high-fiving Squirt. "As awesome as that could be, we probably wouldn't all be able to get a lot of birthday presents because a lot of people would be spending six times the money on us, that wouldn't be fair." Sheldon explained. "I guess so, unless we were all rich!" Tad thought aloud, making the others laugh.

Suddenly, the kids heard Mr. Ray starting the class and the six turned to his direction and paid attention to his daily lesson. After that, the kids did the rest of their normal routine of going to lunch and recess until returning to their second teacher, Peach, for the rest of the day. Whilst Peach was teaching her lesson, Bluebell zoned out, thinking about her birthday, and how she wished it was shared with Maggie's. She was a really great cousin figure to her, and she thought that it would cool if she got to share her birthday with her favorite, and probably only cousin. 'If only.' She thought.


Meanwhile, Marlin, Dory, and the Lab Gang were working on something big. Since they found out about Bluebell's birthday being close to Maggie's, they wanted to start a tradition of having a shared birthday party every year for both of them. Most of the Lab Gang, excluding Peach, even took a day off from their jobs to come help. Marlin had already called up everyone they knew, Jacques and Gurgle were cleaning the floors, and Dory, along with Gill, Bubbles, Deb and Bloat, had been decorating the house. They couldn't wait to see the kid's reactions once they got home.

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