Late Night Baking (Christmas Short 2019 1/5)

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Plot Summary: It's 2:00 AM

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Plot Summary: It's 2:00 AM. Peach forgot to make the deserts for Marlin's Christmas Party so she wakes Gill so he can help her with the baking. What will go down? (I swear there won't be lemon, I wouldn't do that to y'all XD)

A/N: Yay! We starting the 5 Christmas short project! For those who are unaware, I made 5 Christmas shorts and the first 4 are going to happen at the same time until the 5th one brings them all together! I'm so excited for these to finally be published! So this may be the first short, but it's also the last one I got an idea for. God was it hard to come up with an idea for this one, but thankfully I had Tumblr. Also, out of these first 4 shorts, this is the 4th one I've managed to complete. Anyways, hope you all enjoy! :3

OCs Featured: Maggie

Tomorrow was Marlin's Christmas party and the Lab Gang were looking forward to it. They always had the pleasure to attend the parties he and Dory host at their place because they get to see one of the children they saved in Sydney, Nemo. Or as they like to call him, Sharkbait. The gang were like a second family to Nemo and holidays just wouldn't be the same without them. This year, Peach wanted to go all out and make everyone at the party some deserts. She wanted to give them out as a way to help out and to thank Marlin and Dory for not only hosting the party, but in general allowing Nemo into their lives.

'The deserts...  THE DESERTS!' Peach's eyes suddenly shot open. 'I FORGOT THE DESERTS!' Her mind screamed. She quickly looked at the clock. 'IT'S 2AM!? HOW DID I LET THIS HAPPEN!? I CAN'T MAKE A WHOLE PLATTER OF DESERTS BY MYSELF!" Peach silently sobbed into her hands. 'How could I have forgotten! Marlin and Dory are gonna hate me for this.' "Mmm." She suddenly heard a raspy voice tiredly groan. She glanced down so see an unconscious Gill stir in his sleep. 'Carp! Way to go, Peach. He must've heard you panic.' Shr scolded herself. "Peach..? It's late. Why are you-" Gill slightly opened his eyes, to see Peach looking down at him with tears in her eyes and a panicked expression. He knew it was something serious whenever she woke him up late with that look on her face.

"Love? Hey hey, what's the matter?" Gill asked more awake, wiping Peach's tears from her cheeks. "I forgot the deserts!" "Ah shit. Forgot you offered to help Marlin make some for the party." Peach sighed in frustration. It was rare for her to screw up something or miss a deadline and whenever that would happen, she'd go ballistic. So she'd work as hard as she could, sometimes even going to extremes to meet those deadlines. It was something Gill hated to see of her. He just wanted Peach to not have to worry when she really shouldn't because then it makes him worry. "I promised Marlin and Dory I'd help with the deserts, and what do I do? I go and screw it up for everyone, like I do with everything!" "Peach, you and I both know that isn't true." Gill argued, setting a hand on her shoulder. "You're the most hard working person I've ever met. You rarely ever screw up anything, and you make sure of it. Yeah you forgot to make the deserts, so what? Everyone makes mistakes, it'll be alright."

She shook her head. "No it isn't. Marlin and Dory are gonna hate me for it, I just know they are." "Love, don't be ridiculous." he pulled Peach into a hug. "Marlin and Dory are good friends of ours. They're not gonna hate you over some pastries." Peach's eyes widened. She had an idea. "I have to make them now!" "What!? No Peach, it's 2AM." "Better now than in the morning, we won't be able to get them done by then." Peach argued, trying to get out of bed, only for Gill to pull her back in. "Nope, you're not going downstairs." He ordered. "Yes I am!" She tried to free herself from Gill's grasp to no avail. "Who's the leader here?" He teased, making Peach smirk. "Who's the leader in the relationship?" Silence. "Damn, how do you always manage to pull a fast one on me? Still, I'm not letting you stay up all night making pastries." Peach sighed before getting another idea.

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