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A/N: This short has a bit of the serious topic of car crashes that involve drunk drivers. Please do not drink alcohol of any kind, especially if you're under aged. If you do decide to, please make sure you're of age and you're responsible about it. AND ESPECIALLY NO DRINKING AND DRIVING! If this brings you PTSD, then you don't have to read this. You may skip this chapter entirely if it makes you uncomfortable. I know what it's like to have experienced something traumatic. If you need anyone to talk to then tell a trusted friend or adult or call this number for PTSD therapy.

US Number: 1-800-273-8255 (Link:

(I can't find numbers and links for anywhere outside the US, so if you're looking for help just search for ptsd counseling or therapy, or talk to a close friend or adult)

Anyways, with that said, hope you enjoy <3

Marlin was over at Hank's house. They decided to plan on hanging out while Dory was out with Destiny and Nemo was at school. "So, have you tried to ease your drinking habits?" Marlin asked. "Not really." Hank replied before taking a sip of beer. "Well, at least you're honest..." Hank rolled his eyes and proceeded to put a couple of drops of hot sauce into his can of beer. (A/N: Please don't do that!) "What the? I mean I get drinking alcohol, but adding hot sauce to it?"

"What? It adds variety." Said Hank before taking another sip, making Marlin shiver in disgust. 'This guy helped Dory at that hospital?' He thought. Suddenly, Marlin was getting a call from a unknown number. "Who's that?" Hank asked. "I'm not sure." Marlin answered and picked it up. "Hello? ..... Yes, I'm Marlin...... Y-Yes, I do know her, she's my girlfriend. Why do you ask?......." Marlin's eyes widened after he heard what the person on the other end was saying, making him drop his phone.

"Whoa, Marlin. What's wrong?" Hank asked in concern. Marlin didn't say anything, he just sat there frozen. Hank quickly picked up Marlin's phone and started talking to the person on the other end. "Hello? Yes. Sorry... My friend was just shocked and dropped his phone. What's going on?.... I'm Hank, can say brother.....She's what?.... Okay, okay. We'll be right there.... Bye." Hank hung up and gave Marlin back his phone. Marlin instantly made a run for the door.

"Marlin! Wait! Hold on!" Hank grabbed him, stopping him from running. Turns out that Dory and Destiny got into a car wreck. Destiny could barely see that a drunk driver smashed the right side of the car. Destiny suffered minor injuries while Dory was knocked out on impact. "Please! I need to see her!" "Calm down. Dory's in the hospital right now. She's being taken care of right now. She'll be alright." assured Hank. "She won't be if I'm not there with her!"

"I know, and we're gonna go see her right now, but you can't just leave in an instant. Look, as we get into my car, you call Gill and tell him to look after your son while you're gone, okay?" Marlin calmed down a bit and nodded before picking up his phone and dialing Gill's number. Meanwhile, Gill was on his way to pick up his friends from Nemo's school until his phone started to vibrate. "Hello?... Hey, Marlin, is everything okay?.... What?!....... Alright, don't worry, I'll take care of Sharkbait for you, okay? You just go and see her alright?..... Alright, I'll be there later with your son..... Bye."

'Shit! What'll the poor kid think hearing this?' Gill thought. Back with Marlin, he placed his phone back in his pocket and starts to worry more. Hank takes notice of this "Marlin, I know you're worried about Dory being in the hospital, and trust me, I am too. But she needs you to be calm right now. She needs you to be strong so you can protect her." "B-But I can't. I don't wanna lose another person in my life." When they got to the hospital, Hank places a hand on his shoulder.

Finding Nemo/Finding Dory Human AU ShortsWhere stories live. Discover now