Mothers Day (Old Short From 2017)

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(Chapter Art Coming Soon)

A/N: Note, this is an old short I had written back on September 9th 2017 but never published until now. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

"Please can I?" Dory desperately asked. "For the thousandth time, no means no!" Marlin answered, frustratingly pinching the top of his nose. Dory had been begging Marlin for hours if she could come with him to pick up Nemo from school. But today was a different day, a day that wouldn't be a good day to go with to get Nemo. He asked Gill if he could bring him home. He has talked to Nemo about his mom but never how she died or why she did. It would always hurt him to have to explain it, especially to Nemo. It always broke his heart to see his son cry. "I told you, I asked Gill to take him home today." Marlin explained for like the tenth time now. "Oh, I must've forgotten again, didn't I? Sorry." Dory frowned, looking down guiltily. "You don't have to apologize, I completely understand." Marlin assured her. "Y-You do?" Dory asked.

"Of course I do, remember that talk we had in the pipes?" Dory tapped her forehead but couldn't remember. "Nope, not a thing." Dory said, shaking her head making Marlin chuckle. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, assuming it was Gill and Nemo and approached the door. He opened it and was immediately he was hugged tight by Nemo as he cried into his chest. "The poor lad wouldn't tell me what was wrong." Gill simply explained. "Oh Nemo, are you okay?" Dory knelt down to his level as Nemo ran over and hugged her. "Thanks, Gill." Gill nodded and left. Marlin turned back to Nemo who was still crying in Dory's arms. "Dory, is it alright if I talk with Nemo alone?" Marlin asked. Dory nodded and let Nemo follow his dad to his room. Nemo still didn't say anything as he went back to hugging his dad and sobbing uncontrollably. Marlin shushed him, stroking his back. "There there, don't cry, daddy's here. It's okay, let it out." A couple minutes later, Nemo started to calm down as Marlin wiped a few tears from his son's eyes.

"It was awful, dad." Nemo finally managed to choke out. "What happened?" Marlin asked. "It was Mother's Day at school and everyone including my friends brought their mom's to school." Nemo explained, fresh tears starting to form. "The whole time I couldn't stop thinking about mom. It made me jealous to see that everyone but me have a mom in their life. Don't get me wrong, I love having you in my life, you're one of the best dads I could ever ask for. But, I feel like the family is still missing something." Nemo started to cry again, making Marlin bring him into his arms again. "Nemo, you aren't the only one who doesn't have a mom. There are children in the world who were left as orphans and you should be thankful that you aren't one of them." "H-How did she die?" Nemo asked softly. Marlin sighed, afraid that this day had to come but it had to happen eventually. "Well, before you were born, you were supposed to have two siblings. But they died along with your mother." Marlin started.

"Coral and I had just moved into this house after we realized she was pregnant. You and your siblings were born a few days before and we were thrilled to be parents. But..." Marlin paused, remembering what happened after. "A man broke into the house with a gun. I tried to tell Coral to stay behind me but she immediately ran to your crib and tried to protect you and your siblings. I tried to stop the man but he knocked me out before I could get to her." Nemo's eyes were filled with curiosity and horror as he listened to his dad. "Once I'd woken up, I tried to find Coral but, I found her and your siblings dead. I thought my life was over, I thought I had lost everything, until I heard you cry. You were still in the crib. The man hadn't killed you but he was the one that caused your 'lucky arm'. From that moment I vowed my life that I would keep you safe from harms way for Coral." Marlin slightly smiled, setting a hand on Nemo's shoulder. "I nearly broke that promise twice but I promise not to fully break it."

"Wow." Nemo breathed. "I bet she was pretty brave that day." Marlin softly chuckled. "She was, if it wasn't for her deed, you wouldn't have been safe in this world." A moment of silence rolled by. "So, what was she like?" Nemo asked, breaking the silence. Marlin smiled as he remembered the good times he had with Coral. "She was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes upon. She was more care free than I was so it sorta clicked somehow." Marlin gasped as he thought of how Dory is like that. During both adventures, she was always so optimistic and looked on the bright side of things, just like Coral. "Is your school still doing those Mother's Day presentations?" Marlin asked. "Yeah, all of this week. Why?" "I know the perfect person for you to take tomorrow."

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