⚡️Nightmares & Cuddles♥️

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A/N: Yeeee a Dorlin short! :D This one's just a fluff short filled with a human version of a clownfish and a blue tang being adorable 😊 Also sorry if the chapter art looks rushed, I had people screaming at me to publish this as quick as I could so I couldn't disappointment you guys. I hope you understand though that it takes a little while to come up with these ideas and draw the chapter art. But with that said, thank you all for being patient with me and I hope this was worth the wait. If you guys have any suggestions for ideas on the plot of another short or a short about whichever character you choose, comment below. I won't write a short with a ship you may support but I don't so there won't be any Hank X Dory etc. here anytime soon. And if you want me to do a short with your own OC, you have to give me a description of your OC and what you want the short to be about or I can't do it. Anyways, Hope you enjoy! <3

Dory's eyes shot open, her breathing was heavy and she was covered in sweat and tears. She woke up in her bedroom with Marlin sleeping to her right. 'It was another nightmare.' Dory said to herself as tears started to form. She has had these nightmares for a while now where she thought everything was normal, her playing tag with Nemo, Hanging out with her best friends, and receiving lots of love and advice from her parents. But as it starts to get good, everything falls apart. The person she would be with in her dream, weather it be Nemo, her friends, or her parents would snap at her, calling her out for having short term memory loss and saying how much they hate her. Dory always knew it wouldn't happen for real because she knew how much she means to her friends.

This particular nightmare though was different. The person calling her out this time was Marlin. He would get frustrated with her memory but he would never make fun of it or call her out for it. It would usually end with an apology and a few kisses. But this was not the case. He told her awful things about how frustrating her memory loss was, how childish she acts and how he lied about ever having feelings for her and ever calling her his love. This broke Dory's heart. These nightmares would always break her heart but with Marlin it was even more painful. Never had she had that idea in her head. He's her bestest friend and the person she fell in love with. Whenever she'd look into his eyes, it was like everything was clearer to her and she could remember something faster

Could it be true? Could he really be lying about his feelings? 'No that can't be true! Right?' Dory looked over at Marlin who was still sleeping. Forgetting her dream, she decided to wake Marlin up. She gently shook him, making his eyes shift open. "Dory?" He tiredly groaned, looking at the clock. "Honey it's 3 AM, what are you doing up?" Dory suddenly remembered her dream and frowned. He notices this, making him wake up a bit more. It was rare to see Dory upset so it must've been serious. "Hey, are you okay?" Marlin asked, laying a hand on her cheek.  She looked up at him, tears falling down her face. "Dory, what's the matter? Why are you crying?" Dory tried to explain but she started to sob. Marlin immediately pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arms around her into a hug. "Shhh, It's okay, sweetheart. It's okay. You don't have to tell me."

"I had nightmare." Cried Dory. "What was it about?" Marlin asked. Dory hesitated but spoke up, sniffling. "I don't remember." "Well, if you do remember, you can tell me if you want. If not I completely understand. Here, lay down." The two laid down facing each other, one of Marlin's arms around Dory's lower back and the other still stroking her hair. "There you go, just breathe. It'll be okay." Marlin whispered, kissing Dory's forehead. They laid there silent for a few minutes. "We we're sitting outside on the porch, when you started to get frustrated when I forgot." Dory broke the silence. "You then slapped me in the face and told me that you never loved me. That you lied. That you always hated me." "Dory-" "W-Were you lying? I could leave i-if I'm a bother-" Marlin cut her off by kissing her on the lip. When he pulled away he spoke.

"Sweetheart, Don't ever think I would do that to you. I would never lie to you like that. Of course I love you. You and Nemo have been the light in my life ever since Coral. Why would you ever think I'd treat you like that?" Dory sniffled. "Because I'm an annoyance. My short term memory loss always frustrates you and I act like a child." "Dory, I know you have issues and I completely understand. It does frustrate me but I know you can't control it, and I'm not here to judge, I'm here to help you, so are your parents and friends. Heck, I like correcting you whenever you get Nemo's name wrong, it's adorable." Dory blushed. "And yes you can be childish but it's cute and that's who you are, it's what makes you you. That's one of the many reasons I fell in love with you. You're child like but you do have a good heart, and your optimism has always kept me motivated since we were caged up by that one large man on a boat." (A/N: that's supposed to be the moment they got trapped inside a whale's mouth)

Dory blushed, she's never heard Marlin tell her this before. "You mean it? I've never heard you tell me that. Unless I forgot." "You didn't forget, I just never told you. And I'm sorry I haven't. Just try to remember that I love you." "But what if I forget?" She asked. "If you do then I'll just tell you again and again, even when you do remember I'll tell you." Dory giggled, nuzzling into Marlin's chest. "Tell you what, how about you me and Nemo go out for dinner tomorrow?" Marlin suggested. Dory gasped in excitement, forgetting her nightmare. "Can we invite Frank? Oh, and mom and dad? And Hailey and Bethany?" "Hank, Bailey and Destiny." Marlin corrected. "And yes, we can invite them." "Yay!" Dory cheered, kissing Marlin's cheek. "Alright, we should get back to sleep. I'll protect you incase you get another nightmare." "Huh? I had a nightmare?" Dory asked, making Marlin chuckle and kiss her lips. "I love you, Dory." Dory yawned, closing her eyes. "Love you too, Marty." Marlin grinned at her getting his name wrong and drifted off back to sleep.

I apologize if this was short, it was a simple idea I had in mind and I really wanted to write a simple fluffy short with Dorlin X3 Thanks so much for 100+ views! And thanks for reading!

~ Rxin3 💜☔️

Finding Nemo/Finding Dory Human AU ShortsWhere stories live. Discover now