Exciting News

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It was a month or so after Marlin and Coral get married. Coral hasn't been feeling well for the past week. Marlin has been worried about her so he's told her to see a doctor even though she insisted she didn't need to and that she was fine. She finally agrees after Marlin gives her some puppy eyes that she couldn't refuse. The doctor was having going over some test results with Coral alone while Marlin was sitting by the door impatient. A moment later, Coral finally steps out of the door and Marlin instantly goes over to her.

"So, what did he say? What's the matter?" He asked. "I'll tell you when we get home." She simply answered, starting to walk away. Marlin grabbed her hand and turned her around to face him. "W-What? Why?" "Don't worry, I'll tell you the minute we get back." Marlin sighed and nodded as the headed home. Once Marlin unlocked the door and the two entered, Marlin asked again. "So, are you gonna tell me what the doctor said." "Nope." Before Marlin could respond in protest, she cut him off.

"I'm gonna show you." She then went up stairs then came back down with something behind her back. Coral moved one of her arms out to show Marlin what was in her hand. Marlin gasped in shock. He had to mentally slap his face to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Coral was holding a positive pregnancy test in her hand. "Y-You're pregnant?" He managed to ask. "Yes!" "We're having kids!?" "Yes!" "I'm gonna be a father!?" "Yes!" Marlin laughed in excitement as he picked up his wife and hugged her while spinning her around.

"We're gonna be parents!" Marlin cried. He set Coral down and showered her with kisses. "T-This is amazing! You're gonna be a mom. I'm gonna be a dad. Do you know the gender?" "No, I do know one thing." "What?" "We're having triplets!" Marlin hugged and kissed her again. "God, I love you so much!" "Love you too, you dork."

A/N: So I bored so I decided to write this because I thought it would be adorable Corlin fluff. Sorry if this was short, I have a draft for a Christmas special and I hope to get it done before Christmas and if not I apologize in advance. Hope you enjoyed it <3

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