🎄🎁Christmas Special 2018🎁🎄

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A/N: Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you like this! If you don't celebrate Christmas then Happy Holidays! And if you don't celebrate Christmas, then you don't have to read this. But if you still are interested then go ahead. This will not feature any of my OCs.


Nemo woke up to a slight cold atmosphere looming around his bedroom. He got up from his bed and looked out his window. His eyes lit up when he saw little snowflakes falling to the ground that was covered in a blanket of snow. It was the first winter snow, and right on Christmas Eve too. Nemo dashed out of his room and into his father's bedroom to wake him up. "Dad! It's snowing! It's-" When Nemo entered the room, Marlin nor Dory were present. Nemo then bolted to the living room to find that Marlin and Dory have been putting up Christmas Decorations everywhere.

"Wow! The decorations look awesome!" "Thank you, Tito!" Dory replied, climbing down a ladder. "Nemo." Marlin and Nemo corrected. "Have you put up the star yet?" Nemo asked. "Nope, I was waiting for you to do it." Marlin ruffled his son's hair before he grabs the star from the dinning room counter, hands it to Nemo, and carries him on his shoulders so he can place the star on top of the tree. Nemo leans in towards the top of the tree and carefully placed the star on top.

Marlin sets him down and hands him an outlet that connected to all of the Christmas Tree's lights. "Well, let's see how she looks." Said Marlin as Nemo plugs the cord in. Hundreds of colorful bright lights surrounded the tree, with the star glowing the brightest at the top. "It's so beautiful." Dory comments in awe. "Yep it sure is." Marlin replies. "What is?" Dory asked, short term memory loss kicking in, making Marlin and Nemo laugh. "I think we got everything ready for the party." Marlin declares, Nemo looks over at his dad confused.

"What party?" "Oh, I forgot it was a surprise. I'm starting to catch Dory's memory loss. We're having a Christmas party today." Nemo has a big smile plastered on his face. "Really!?" "Yep." Marlin answered. "Yay! We're having a Christmas party! We're having a Christmas party!" "We are!? This is gonna be awesome! We're having a Christmas party!" Dory starting joining Nemo in the excitement, making Marlin chuckle. "Who's coming, Dad?" Nemo asked.

"Everyone." Said Marlin, listing off the people he's invited. "Crush and his son, Dory's Parents, Bob, Ted, Bill and their kids, Destiny, Bailey, Hank, Gill and the rest of The Lab Gang, The Cannibals, Nigel, Mr. Ray, Fluke & Rudder..." "I can't wait! When will they get here?" "Right about-" The doorbell suddenly rings. "-now." Marlin went to open the door. It was Crush and his son Squirt. "Squirt!" Nemo ran up to his best friend and they did their hand shake. "Fist!" They fist bump. "Noggin!" They bump heads.

"Duuuuude!" "Fuzzy-man! Little blue! It's been a while!" Crush gave Marlin and Dory a hug. "It's good to see you too, Brush!" "It's still Crush lil' blue." Crush corrected. "So, how are you and your little one doing?" He asked Marlin. "Pretty well. I'm starting to trust him more." Marlin informed. "Good to see you're following my advice." Crush replies, putting an arm around him. "Yep." Marlin nods.


Meanwhile, The Lab Gang were walking to Marlin and Nemo's home. Peach was shivering, sneezing, yawning and sniffling like there was no tomorrow. She had gotten herself sick because of overworking again. Gill insisted that she'd stay home but Peach, being as stubborn as she is, still wanted to go and see Sharkbait, sick or not. The rest of the Tank Gang were behind Peach and Gill, watching. "Boy, Peach really let herself go. Hasn't she, Flo?" Deb asked her reflection in her mirror. "Well, she does work hard and is determined to get the job done." Gurgle informed.

"True, I just wish she wouldn't do this to herself and overwork like crazy. It's not healthy." Bloat added. "Maybe Gill'll know how to convince her to stop." Bubbles assumes. "Croyez-moi, il a essayé et Peach est encore trop obstiné pour coopérer." Jacques debunked Bubbles' theory in French. "Wish Peach was back here so she can translate you for us." Said Bloat. Back at the front, Peach sneezed for what felt like the hundredth time. Gill couldn't see her sick like this anymore so he took off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders.

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