The Date

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A/N: WOOOO ANOTHER GILL X PEACH SHORT! Don't worry, I'll try to do a Dorlin one soon. I just got the idea while listening to "Chaos of the night" from Bride of Discord (CHECK IT OUT ON YT ITS AMAZING) and making the chapter art. Also images of what the characters wore during the second half of the short will be at the end. Anyways, here we go!!!

(9:00 am)

Gill organized a meeting with the rest of the Lab Gang, excluding Peach, Marlin, Dory, Nemo, Hank, Bailey and Destiny. They all met up at a nearby park at one of the picnic benches. "So, what's going on, Gill? Why did you ask us to come here?" Hank asked. "I asked you all to come here because I need your help." Explained Gill. "Help with what?" Asked Dory. Gill paused, then spoke a moment later. "I want to organize a special date for Peach and I." Dory, Deb and Destiny aw'd whilst the others had a couple of questions. "But why do you want OUR help to set up a special date for Peach?" Bailey asked. "Well, okay, here's how it started..."


It was around 10:30 pm, Gill was sitting out by the balcony in his bedroom, smoking whilst waiting for Peach to get done working. Since summer was rolling around, she didn't have much to grade to assign this time which relieved Gill. 'At least she doesn't work in the summer.' He thought. 'She really needs a break.' He suddenly heard Peach coming up the stairs. Gill burned his cigarette on the ash tray and headed inside. "Hey, Pinky. Finished with work?" He greeted before noticing that Peach was stumbling a bit, looking like she would pass out at any moment. "Y-Yeah, I finished." Her eyes suddenly fell closed and she lost her balance. Before she could fall to the floor, Gill was quick enough to catch her.

"Whoa, Peach, Are you okay? You look tired." He helped her up. "Is it that obvious? Summer is nearly here, yet for some reason they're making the students test in my classroom, I have to grade their tests." (A/N: I don't know if this is a thing) Peach then started to cry. "I-I can't take it anymore." She sobbed. "Hey hey. Shhh. It's okay. You're okay. Don't cry." Gill whispered, wiping her tears away with his thumbs. "I know you can get through it." "How? How do you know that?" Peach asked, tears falling freely. "Because you're the most strongest woman I've ever met. You've went through much worse. Hell, you were in a laboratory for nearly a year and half! If you can survive that, I know you can survive this. Plus it's only for another day or two, it will be over sooner than you think. And I'll go through it with you until it's over."

Peach sniffled. "Gill, you don't have to do that." "Sure I don't have to, but I want to. What you go through, I go through." Peach sighed, smiling a bit. "How did I end up with someone as sweet as you?" She asked. "Because someone as gorgeous as you deserves someone as sweet as me." Gill teased making her giggle. He leaned forward and pecked Peach's lips. "Now, since you're done with work for tonight, I think the only thing your beautiful self should worry about is sleep. Okay?" Peach nodded before they both made their way to their bed. The two snuggled close together but before they could fall asleep, Peach's phone rang. "Huh?" She asked, grabbing her phone from the night stand. "It's from work." She said before answering the call. "Hello, Peach Allison speaking."

"Hello, Mrs. Allison. This is the principal. Apologizes for calling so late." "That's alright, what do you need?" She asked. "Well I just wanted to let you know that since the students are testing in your classroom, you have to come in on the last week. The person who was supposed to come in for you has just had a family emergency so we need you in his place. I apologize for the inconvenience but I hope it's okay with you." Peach sat there for a moment, looking like she was about to cry again but she held it in. "Yeah, I-It's alright. Tell the sub that he has my condolences." "I will, thank you Mrs. Allison." "You're welcome, bye." Peach then hung up, placing her hands on her face. "What is it, Peach?" Asked Gill. Her answer was muffled out by her hands and her sobs. "Huh? I can't hear you, Peach."

Finding Nemo/Finding Dory Human AU ShortsWhere stories live. Discover now