Past Lovers (Christmas 2020 Special Part 4/5)

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Note: Blanca and Skully are NOT an OCs. They are characters that were gonna originally be in old plot concepts for the sequel of Finding Nemo, but those storylines were scrapped so I thought I'd put them here because they were really interesting to me.

Here's the script for that old storyline where Blanca would've been featured:

Here's the deleted scenes that Skully would've appeared in:

Actual OCs featured: None


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"Flight 530 to Harrisburg has now landed. Welcome to Pennsylvania." The person over the intercom announced as the plane reaches the gate. A lady with white hair tied in two buns, and wearing a white sweater with a grayish purple skirt grabs her bags and exits the plane. When she arrives at the airport, she checks her phone to see where her taxi was headed to find out that it's being delayed. "What!? Oh no! This can't be happening. What do I do?" She panicked. "I-I suppose I could call Marlin." She then dials Marlin's number and calls him. "Hey Marlin... Actually, I don't think I can make it on time... M-My taxi's been delayed so I'll have to wait a bit a-and- ... Yes... That sounds good, I'll text you the address... Okay, bye." She then hung up and headed to the front of the airport to wait for Marlin. While there she spots a man with navy blue hair and a grayish blue aviator uniform also waiting there, looking frustrated. She decides to approach him.


"Flight 530 to Harrisburg has now landed. Welcome to Pennsylvania." The person over the intercom announced as the plane reaches the gate. A man with navy blue hair and a grayish blue aviator uniform grabs his luggage and exits the plane. He waits at the front of the airport for his taxi to arrive and take him to the hotel he was staying at. He checks to see where his taxi was currently at only to find out it was delayed. "Damnit!" He curses under his breath. "Great I'm gonna have to call Peach." He dials Peach's number and calls her. "... Hey Peachypie. ... You're not gonna believe it, but my taxi's been delayed. ... Yep, dead serious. I'm pretty pissed about it too. I thought they'd guarantee to arrive right after I land. ... Sure, I'll give you the address. ... Bye." He hung up, groaning in frustration. "Great, now I have to make her drive to get me. I really do owe her one."


"H-hello?" The lady approached the man. He looked down at her and blushed. 'Whoa. What a cutie. I wonder what she's doing out here all alone.' "Hey, what's up?" He asked. "I-I was wondering what you were doing out here." The lady stuttered. He thought it was cute how she was trying to engage in a conversation with him. "Hello?" "Oh!" The man realized he was spacing out and immediately apologized. "Sorry. My taxi was delayed so I'm waiting for a friend to take me to my hotel." The lady gasped. "Really? M-Me too." The man laughed which made the lady slightly smile. She found his laugh adorable. "What an odd coincidence, huh?" "Yeah." The lady giggled. The man then took her hand which caught her off guard. "So, who is this lovely lady that I have the pleasure of meeting?" She blushed immensely at his charm as she tried to compose herself. "B-Blanca. Blanca Polar." "Blanca.. beautiful name." The man complimented. "T-Thank you." "Name's Skully. Skully Zephyr." Skully then kisses Blanca's hand, making her cheeks turn glow red. "It's an honor meeting you." "I-It's nice meeting y-you too." Blanca stuttered. 'Wow. He's really charming. I wonder where he got his confidence from.' She thought. "So, where is the lovely Blanca Polar from?" Skully asked. "Oh, I was born here. But after I graduated high school, I moved to Alaska." Blanca explained. "Wow. I heard Alaska's a beautiful place to live in." He commented. "Yeah, the views of the mountains are really magnificent there." "I'm from South Korea." "Whoa! So you flew all the way from over there?" Blanca asked, stunned.

"Yep, a friend of mine from high school moved here and I'm here to visit them." "M-Me too! My old friend from high school is throwing a Christmas party tonight so I'm visiting him there." "Okay, are you my doppelganger? Because that's exactly what I'm doing tonight." "That's crazy." Said Blanca in awe. "Yeah, small world." Skully added. Blanca then sees Marlin's car. "Oh! I think that's my friend over there. I have to go." She said as she quickly picks up her luggage. Skully helps her carry some of her bags. "Thank you, Skully." "Of course, m'lady." Blanca blushed at him calling her that. Once Marlin pulls up beside Blanca, her and Skully put the bags in the trunk. "I hope to bump into you again, Blanca." She gave him a warm smile. "I hope so too, Skully." With that, she entered Marlin's car and they drove off. 'What a gentleman. I wish I could've talked to him more.' Blanca thought as she stared out the window. "Hey, you alright?" Marlin snapped her out of her thoughts. "Yep! I-I'm fine." Meanwhile Skully sighed as he waited for Peach to arrive. 'Damn, I really should've asked for her number. She's so darn cute! God I hope I get to see her again.' He suddenly heard a car honking at him. It turned out to be Peach, waiting for him. "Hey, Skully! You getting in or what?" "Yeah! Coming." He then put his luggage in her car and the two drove off to the hotel.

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