Tension and Forgiveness (idk what to call this garbage)

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A/N: The first part takes place after the failed filter attempt. In my Headcanon, Gill and Peach started a relationship months after they ended up in the lab, before Nemo came. Now they're relationship has a current awkward and tense vibe. I actually made an animatic on my YouTube account on the failed filter attempt scene if you want to check it out. My user is Rxin3 {aka Mallory Mynatt} and it's my 4th animatic. With that said, hope you enjoy!<3 Oh btw, Peach's leg is injured from her hoping off the forklift, trying to help the others get Nemo out of the air ducks, I thought I'd say so you're not confused. Also for French and Italian dialogue, unless you know either one fluently, I suggest using google translate to translate it.

The night fell onto the harbor and an awkward feeling was spread throughout the lab. Jacques was tending to Peach's wound on her leg. "Vous semblez l'avoir très mal foulée. À partir de cette chute, je ne suis pas surpris. (You seem to have sprained it very badly. From that fall, I am not surprised.)" Jacques informed in French. "Quand pensez-vous que ça va guérir? (When do you think it will heal?)" Asked Peach. "Donnez-lui une semaine ou deux. (Give it a week or two.)" Peach sighed. "Quel est le problème, mademoiselle? (What's the matter, miss?)" He asked. "Je suis juste contrarié par ce qui s'est passé aujourd'hui. (I'm just upset about what happened today.)" She explained. "Oui, il semble que tout le monde était nerveux aujourd'hui, mais heureusement, Nemo n'a pas de problème. (Yeah, it seems like everyone was nervous today, but luckily Nemo wasn't hurt.)" Jacques assured before Peach shook her head. "Ce n'est pas pour ça que je suis contrarié. Je suis content que Nemo aille bien. Je suis tellement énervé contre Gill. (That's not why I'm upset. I'm glad Nemo is okay. I'm just pissed off at Gill.)" "Ce que Gill a fait était faux et- (What? Did Gill do something bad?)" "Faux!? (Bad!?)" Peach angrily cut off Jacques. "C'est plus que mal! C'était égoïste! Il n'a pas arrêté de penser à la sécurité de Nemo! Il a juste sauté dans le plan en pensant que tout irait bien! (It was more than bad! It was selfish! He didn't stop to think about Nemo's safety! He just jumped into the plan thinking everything would be fine!)" She ranted out of frustration. "Um, Peach?" A low voice asked. Jacques and Peach turned around and saw Gill standing in front of them. Peach turned to Jacques and gestured him towards Gill before facing away from him. "She no want to talk." Said Jacques in broken English. "Can you tell her I really need to talk to her?" Gill asked. Jacques turned over and whispered to Peach. After a moment he turned back to Gill and replied again in broken English. "She no want to talk-" "Oh this isn't gonna work!" Peach yelled in frustration before grabbing Gill's hand and angrily dragging him with her. "Come with me." Peach struggled to walk properly due to her injured leg. Gill took notice of this. "Are you alright? Do you need help?" Peach stopped, not facing him. "No. I'm fine." She mumbled. "Look, I know you're mad and I understand. The whole plan was a disaster from the start." Peach turned towards Gill with an annoyed expression. "Oh now you say you regret what you did. Wish you would've said that the instant Nemo was in danger, or when I sprained my ankle to help get Nemo out of there, or maybe even before you started the escape plan in the first place!" "Peach, I wasn't thinking at the time, but I now see that what I made Nemo go through was wrong and I'm sorry." "You know, Gill. I thought you were a kind gentle soul who would do anything to protect the people around him. But I was clearly proven wrong. All I see is a man who wouldn't give a carp about anyone but himself and would make people help in selfish acts so you could get what you want!" "I didn't have any selfish motives! I wanted to get everyone here out! I don't plan to leave without you guys!" Gill argued. "Then why are you putting those same people at risk!?" "We don't have any other options!" "Yes we do! We could've taken the not hurt an innocent child route!" The two just stood there in silence, Peach glaring at Gill. "Peach-" "Let me ask you something." Peach interrupted him. "What would you have done if we didn't get Nemo out of there in time. What if your selfish plan ended up killing him! What would you do then?" Gill said nothing making Peach sigh in annoyance. "It's over, Gill. We're through." "Peach, please-" Gill begged before she stopped him. "No, because I know I didn't fall in love with this jerk standing in front of me. I fell in love with a man who would never even think about putting anyone in harm's way. Unless you can prove that that man is still there, in your words, 'we're done'." Without another word, Peach walked away to one of the bunks and laid down, facing the wall. Gill stared back, with a look shock and guilt on his scarred face. "Cosa ho fatto?" He muttered in Italian.

A/N: This next part takes place after Nemo finds out where his dad is and the filter or in this case the air ducks are successfully jammed.

After Gill gave everyone orders on what to do until Friday when Darla arrives, everyone went their separate ways. Nemo went off to talk with Bloat and Gurgle, Jacques and Bubbles went to chat and Deb went back over to her mirror to speak with her "sister", Flo. Peach approached Gill and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Gill," "You don't have to scold me. I already understand-" "No, I wanted to apologize." She said, making Gill gawk at her with a confused look. "Why are you apologizing?" He asked. "Because I shouldn't have gotten so worked up towards you, even when you were clearly trying to explain-" "Peach, stop." Gill interrupted her by brushing his finger against her lips. "I clearly deserved it. It was a selfish thing for me to have put Nemo's life at risk like that, there's no excuse. I vow to never let my acts put other into danger again." Peach thought about it before replying. "You promise?" Gill nods. "Cross my heart." Peach softly smiled at him, kissing him on the cheek. "So, that means we're good?" Gill asked awkwardly making Peach chuckle. "What do you think it means?" She sarcastically asked before pressing her lips against his. After a moment, they let go. "Ti amo." Gill whispered in Italian. "Ti amo anch'io." Little did they know, the others were watching them. "Ugh! Why do they use a foreign language to communicate! I wanna know what they're saying!" Deb whined. "They seriously need to get a room." teased Bloat. "You know this is there is no other room in here, right?" asked Gurgle.

A/N: I'm sorry lol. I was honestly kinda more proud of the first part then the second part. Anyways I hope you got something out of this mess. Cya in the next short!

~Rxin3 Stormpaws

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