Winter Wonderland (idk what to call this XD)

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*Chapter art by me*

(I know it's summer but I wanted to make a winter short because it's practically summer every season where I live XD and there sadly isn't much romance in this one ;-; Also I had to do some research to make sure what I'm writing is actually plausible, you'll maybe see why later on)

The snow was falling lightly to the ground during a calm winter morning. Nemo was the first to wake up. He looked out his window and gasped once he saw the snow outside. In a flash, he ran towards his father's room. "Dad! Daddy! It's snowing! It's snowing!" Nemo shouted, excitedly hoping on his dad's bed. Suddenly his door opened and a woman with blue hair tied in a ponytail entered the room. "I heard some noise, what's going on, Marlin?" Marlin groaned and sat up in his bed.

"Nothing, Dory. We're okay." He assured Dory. "Dory! Wanna go outside in the snow?" Nemo asked. "What's snow?" Dory asked. Nemo lead Dory to the window in Marlin's room and moved the curtains for Dory to see the snowfall outside. "It's that." Nemo said, pointing out the window. Dory stared in awe at the fluffy white particles falling. "Wow, it's beautiful!" "Come on! Let's go outside and play in it!" The two were about to run outside before Marlin called out to them. "Hold it, you two!" Nemo and Dory stopped and turned around. "Yeah, Dad?" Nemo asked.

"Wear warmer clothes, and don't stay outside for too long." Marlin ordered. The two nodded. "We will, Marty." "Marlin, and good. Have fun you two." "Yay! Come on, Dory!" Nemo shouted, rushing downstairs, Dory quickly following after. Marlin chuckled and got up from his bed. He went down into the kitchen to make some coffee. 'What am I gonna do with those two.' He thought to himself, smiling.


Once Dory and Nemo put on their jackets, boots and scarfs, they went out to the backyard and saw the huge blanket of snow. Nemo ran to it, jumped right into the snow and laughed. Dory jumped in as well and they both shared laughs. Nemo started to move his arms and legs up and down. "What are you doing, Chico?" Dory asked. "I'm making a snow angel." "A snow angel?" Nemo stood up.

"Yeah, just move you arms and legs a few times and when you stand up and look down, it'll look like you made an angel." He explained. Dory nodded and moved her arms and legs. She stood up and looked at her snow angel, she giggled. "You're right, it does look like an angel." Dory then looked around and got an idea. She rolled some snow into a small ball and picked it up. "What are you making?" Nemo asked.

Dory then took the snow ball and threw it at Nemo. It hits him in the face, making Dory laugh. She stops laughing when she sees Nemo cry. "Fabio? Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" Nemo's sobs turn into giggles. "What's so funny?" Dory asks. "I was just messing with you, Dory. I'm not hurt." Dory sighs in relief. Nemo then makes a snow ball as well and throws it at Dory. She laughs and makes more snow balls. "Snow ball fight!" Nemo shouts before making more snow balls to throw at Dory.

The two have been having their snow ball fight for about 20 minutes all the while they shared laughs between one another. While Dory was making another snow ball, she didn't see that there was a big rock in the snow so the rock ended up in the snow ball. She looked around to find where Nemo was hiding, aims and throws the snow ball towards Nemo. When it hits him, the impact knocks him to the ground.

Dory, still thinking it was a game, was laughing. "Gotcha Elmo!" Once she realized Nemo wasn't getting up she approached him. "Bingo? Are you okay?" She asks, trying to shake him awake. There was no response, She started to get worried. "Oh no, what have I done! Don't worry, Harpo. I'm gonna go get your dad. I'll be right back." With that, Dory ran back into the house as fast as she could. "Martin!"

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