Past Lovers (Christmas 2020 Special Part 5/5)

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Note: Blanca and Skully are NOT an OCs. They are characters that were gonna originally be in old plot concepts for the sequel of Finding Nemo, but those storylines were scrapped so I thought I'd put them here because they were really interesting to me.

Here's the script for that old storyline where Blanca would've been featured:

Here's the deleted scenes that Skully would've appeared in:

Actual OCs featured: Madeline, Maya, Mason, Bluebell (Mentioned: Peter)

Actual OCs featured: Madeline, Maya, Mason, Bluebell (Mentioned: Peter)

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The night of the party had finally arrived, and everyone was having fun giving gifts and singing Christmas songs together. Though there were still two people missing, and they were Blanca and Skully. Marlin texted Blanca asking where she was. "Marlin, I'm pretty sure she'll get here on time." Dory reassured him. "Still, it's been almost half an hour, I wonder where she-" They then heard a knock at the door. "I got it!" Dory excitedly ran up to the door. She opened it and it was a woman she didn't recognize. "Oh! Hi, I'm Dory." She greeted herself like she always would to strangers. "Hello. I-Is this Marlin Brooks' home?" Marlin stood next to Dory to greet the lady. "Yep. It is." She gasped. "Marlin!" "Blanca!" They then hugged each other. Dory glanced them, more jealousy forming. "So, y-you're Blanca?" Dory asked. "Oh right." Marlin introduced the two to each other. "Dory, this is my old friend Blanca. Blanca, this is my wife Dory." "You're married?" Asked Blanca. "Mhm. We've been married for I believe a year now." Dory confirmed. "Congratulations, you too." Marlin gave Blanca a smile. "Thanks."

He then let her inside the house as they caught up with each other, leaving Dory by the door. Meanwhile, Peach was waiting for Skully to arrive. "Where the hell is he?" She groaned in frustration. "He probably got caught up with something. He'll be here soon." Said Gill. "Still, it's not like him to be late." She then recognizes someone in the crowd of people walking around. "Wait, there he is. Skully!" Skully turns to Peach's direction and hugged her. "Hey, Peachypie. How's it going?" Gill froze, hearing what Skully had called her. "P-Peachypie?" "Oh, Skully. This is my husband Gill. Gill, Skully." "Nice to finally meet you, Gill." The two shook hands. "And I you, Skully." He replied, trying to hide the boiling rage he had in him at that moment. "Did you find Peter yet?" Asked Peach. "Nope." "Surprised you didn't, he's already here. I'll take you to him." She turned to Gill. "You coming?" "No thanks, you two go ahead." "Oh.. Alright. I'll catch up with you." Her and Skully then went off to find Peter. Gill sighed 'What kind of a nickname is Peachypie? Are you kidding me!?' He thought. As he was about to walk away, he bumps into someone. "Oh, sorry." "That's alright.. uh, Phil?" Gill looked down and realized he had bumped into Dory, looking like she's about to cry. "Dory?" "Yeah.., that's my name.." She replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "What's up? Why aren't you with Marlin?" Gill asked. "I.. I don't know." The two were silent for a moment. "Wanna go outside?" "O-Okay." They grabbed their coats and stood outside by the driveway. Gill took out a cigarette and lit it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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