Stay Who You Are

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(Chapter Art Coming Soon)

A/N: "Finally another short! What took you so long!?" Technically it wasn't that long ago when I posted my last short but yeah... I want to take a break from request shorts to just relax, enjoy the rest of my summer and make some original work and that's what I'm doing right now. I don't know when I'll get back into request shorts yet but I'll tell you when. Right now I enjoy the freedom to write whatever I want. Anyways ever since I got Finding Nemo's two-disc collectors edition on DVD, I've been binge watching the bonus features, the documentaries and the best part, the visual commentary on disc one and I then got the idea to make a short featuring my OC Bluebell and Gill. No idea why honestly so here we are today XD Fun Fact, Originally in the film, Gill would lie to Nemo by giving him false history about his life before he was put into the tank but it would turn out what he said was just stuff in a children's book in a dentist's office. (Credit to the visual commentary for that fact) There's a deleted scene that involves this, it might be on YouTube somewhere, look it up. Okay I've talked for too long, here we go!

When it came to Peach and Gill, they were like mentors to Bluebell and Nemo. A couple of times every week, Nemo and Bluebell got to hangout with the lab gang after school for a couple hours. This week though, Peach had to leave for a few days to fly back home to visit her family so she wasn't there that day. Bluebell was of course upset and went outside to the backyard to calm down. She had been crying for a half an hour now. The gang, Nemo included have been staring at her worried. "The poor thing, no one can understand her better than Peach." Said Deb sadly. "I know, what can we do to help?" Nemo asked. "I'll try to talk to her, I'll be right back." Gill said before heading outside. "What do you want?" Bluebell asked, taking off her headphones annoyed. "Bluebell?" She turned around to see Gill and her expression softened a bit. "Oh, hey Gill." "Can I come sit with ya?" He gently asked.

She nodded and scooted over to one side so Gill could take a seat next to her. Bluebell was fiddling with her favorite fish plushie she named Bella. She would always have it with her no matter where she'd go, and if she was ever upset, she had Bella to calm her down. Gill looked over at her feeling guilty. 'If only Peach were here, she'd know what to do in this situation.' He thought. 'Come on, Gill. Just think of something Peach would ask her if she was upset.' After a moment of awkward silence, Gill spoke up. "Are you upset about something?" Bluebell said nothing for a second until answering. "Yes." "You wanna talk about it?" She shook her head. "I wanna talk to Peach about this." "Well, she's away right now so she can't talk with you about it right now." Gill explains. "But if you want you can talk to me about it." "No thanks, I'm fine." "Are you sure?" "Yes." She answered, starting to get a little agitated. "Because you know I-"

"I said I'm fine!" She finally snapped and moved to the other side of the yard and sat underneath a tree. She hugged her legs and cried into her knees. Gill sighed and headed back inside. The others saw the whole thing. "Nice going, Gill." Bloat commented. "You made the poor kid more upset." said Deb. "You were practically forcing her to spit it out." Gurgle said. "Look I was only trying to do what Peach would've done. I-" Suddenly the back door opened and it was Bluebell covered in tears. "Bluebell, sweetheart, are you okay?" Deb asked. "I want to talk to Gill." She said, not looking up at anyone. Gill approached her and followed her outside. She then immediately hugged Gill, new tears forming. "I'm so sorry Gill! I shouldn't have been so mean to you!" "Hey, it's okay. I know you tend to get upset or frustrated sometimes and I understand." He assured her. A moment of silence flew by. "I'm upset because of something that happened at school today." Bluebell finally spoke. "What happened?" Gill asked. "Well, it was like this..."

Earlier that day during one of Mr. Ray's field trips...

Today was another weekly field trip day, and the class was heading to the museum. During the bus ride, as usual, the girls had to sit on one side and the boys on the other. Bluebell was okay with this because she had Pearl to sit with even though most of her friends including her adopted brother were boys. But when they were placed in their seats there were no more areas for the two to sit together. Bluebell held in her tears and obliged to sitting next to two other girls. She tried to calm down by putting on her headphones and playing with Bella. Around five minutes into the drive to the museum one of the girls sitting next to her tapped Bluebell's shoulder to get her attention. Bluebell looked over at the girls and took off her headphones. "Excuse me, but what's with the bulky headphones?" The girl asked. "Oh, I just wear them to block out all the racket." Bluebell answered. The reason she would wear headphones was to block out loud noises.

Finding Nemo/Finding Dory Human AU ShortsWhere stories live. Discover now