Gileach Valentines Day Short

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Gill slowly woke up to the cold misty air from outside. He looked over at his phone to check the time. "3:15 AM" It read. Gill turned over to Peach who was sleeping against his chest. He grinned at how content she looked in his arms, he almost didn't want to move. Slowly, Gill moved from Peach's grasp and kissed her forehead. He grabbed his jacket, his guitar, and a pack a cigarettes, and made his way to the door.

Before he could step out of the door, he heard a mumble coming from Peach. "Gill?" "Peach, What are you doing up?" He asked, going over to her. "I was about to ask you the same thing." "I uh-" Like she read his mind, Peach cut him off by asking "Wait a minute, you weren't about to sneak out, were you?". Gill sighed, knowing he couldn't hide it from her. "Yes."

"Why? And why so late, it's 3 in the morning." "I'll be honest with you, this isn't the first time." "You've snuck out before!? Since when!?" She whisper-yelled. "Look, remember when we were back in captivity, and I was talking about my life, before I was placed in the lab?" "Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?" She asked, getting agitated.

"I told you about a place I used to go all the time, the place I was when I got captured." "You've been going there?" Gill nodded. "But why?" "Because some nights, when I'm stressed, or I need sometime to think, or I just need to relax, and get my mind off things, I'd go back there, and just clear my head." He explains. "And why at night?" "It's better to look out at the horizon there at night, because of the city's lights, and the sky's calm atmosphere."

Peach still was confused, this time for a different reason. "Why didn't you tell me?" Gill shrugged. "I honestly don't have a good reason. I guess I didn't want you to be upset." Peach shook her head, and got up from the bed. "I wouldn't have been upset. The opposite actually." Gill chuckled, and pecked her lips. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier." "It's alright."

A moment of silence went by. "You wanna go?" Gill asked. "Huh?" "You wanna go with me?" "Oh, I don't know. I mean this is your special place, and I don't want to intrude." "It's alright, I've actually been meaning to show you it for a long time, but I just never found the right time." Peach smiled softly, and nodded. The two quietly stepped out of their room, made their way through the rest of the house to the front door.

"So, how far is it from here?" Peach asked once they got outside. "25 to 30 minutes." He replied. "Gill." She scolded. "Don't worry, we'll drive there, it's not like I'm wandering the streets alone at night." Peach sighed in relief as the two got in Gill's car. "When did you find that place again?" "A few weeks ago, I've been going occasionally at night."

"I kind of forgot how it looked the last time you told me. Can you tell me again?" Gill chuckled. "You'll just have to wait until we get there." "Aw, no fair. Please?" Peach playfully whined. Gill laughs at this, and kisses her cheek. "Why are you always so stubborn when it comes to me?" He asked. "Because I care about you, and I love you." Gill kisses her cheek again.

"What was that one for?" Peach asked. "For being adorable." Gill parked the car by an empty alley. Peach became concerned. "Um, are you sure this is the place you were talking about?" "Yes. Actually, well, we're near it." "It looks dangerous." Gill set a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll be okay." Peach nodded as the two stepped out of the car.

Gill took Peach's hand as they walked through the alley way. They started seeing other people hanging around the alley. Some were smoking, some were arguing with one another, and some were just staring at them. Once they got past them, Peach asked "How do you manage to pass through here without being jumped?" Gill shrugged. "I think it's because I look like them that they never bother me."

They stopped in front of a story tall building that had a couple abandoned cars parked on top of the roof. The two climbed up the ladder to the roof and approached the abandoned cars. Gill hoisted Peach on top of one of them, and they both sat on the roof of it. Peach looked out and saw a gorgeous view that was just high enough to see the city's buildings from a good angle.

"I see why you like to sneak out here." She turned to Gill. "I still wish you told me about this sooner. You'd be worrying the others, and I to death if you suddenly weren't at home." He sighed. "I know, I should've told you the day I found this place again. I'm sorry, Peach." She nodded, but didn't say anything, looking deep in thought. "You okay?"

Gill asked her, setting a hand on her back. Peach softy nodded. "It's nothing, I just care about you and don't want you to suddenly... you know, die one day from being reckless." "Peach, you know that's not gonna happen." She gave him a faint sad smile, and Gill could tell why she looked like this. "Hey, seriously, I won't get hurt. Especially now that I have you to balance out my recklessness."

Peach sighed. "When you made your first escape, I was afraid that during another one of your escape plans, you... well, you wouldn't have made it. That fear still lingers at the back of my mind. I wasn't there for you during your first escape, I'm afraid I won't be there when... the worst comes." He looked over at Peach, who was about to cry.

In an instant, he hugged her. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there." Peach sobbed. "Shh, it's okay. It's all in the past, you wouldn't have been able to change what I went through. But it's alright, because I survived, and I'm right here with you. And I promise you, I won't get so caught up in recklessness that the worst could happen. I refuse to leave you, and Sharkbait, and the others, not yet."

Peach looked up at Gill, tears staining her cheeks. "I-I love you too much. I don't want you to go." "Shhhh. I know, I know, shhh. I'm not gonna leave. I'm staying right here, I promise." Peach's anxiety eased a bit as Gill started to gently scratch her head. The two stayed silent in each other's arms for a few moments, until Peach broke the silence, smiling up at Gill.

"I love you, Gilbert." "Hey, what did we say about using my full name?" She giggles at Gill's embarrassment. "I'm sorry, it's adorable." "No it's not, and you know it." Gill playfully scolded. Peach didn't respond, instead sticking her tongue out at him. Gill suddenly smirked as he got an idea. "Shame," He sighed. "I though everything would be-"

Peach instantly knew what he was trying to do and stopped him. "Don't you dare use that pun!" "But Peach-" "Don't you finish that sentence!" "Okay okay." "Good." Silence... "I guess you can say things are now PEACHY between us." Gill teased, earning a punch on the shoulder. "Ow." He laughed. "Serves you right." "Still worth seeing your reaction." Gill joked.

"Shut up." She giggled. They fell silent for a bit, until Peach spoke up. "I guess we both have a habit about worrying about one another, huh?" Gill chuckled before kissing her forehead. "Yeah, I guess so. How about this, let's promise to not worry about one another to where it becomes a distraction in our lives." Peach smiled, and kissed his cheek. "Deal."

She laid her head against Gill's shoulder. Gill chuckled, and kissed her forehead, before resting his head on top of her's. Peach yawned. "Tired?" Gill asked. She could only slightly nod. "Here, lay your head against my chest." He offered. "Wha- Here? Are you sure?" "It's okay, I'll let you rest for a half hour, and then I'll drive us back home." Peach was still unsure.

"Are you sure? I mean, what if I'm still asleep? You shouldn't have to carry me." "Don't worry, I don't mind carrying you." "But-" Gill silenced her by kissing her lips. The kiss lasted for a few seconds before Gill pulled back, and placed a hand on Peach's cheek. "Just get some rest, and relax. Come on, I brought a couple pillows, and blankets." Peach gave in, and propped herself against Gill's chest.

He took one of the blankets, wrapping it around both of them. "I got you. I won't let anything happen to you. I'll protect you. All you need to worry about is getting some sleep, alright?" Peach nodded, snuggling closer into Gill. He wrapped his arms around her, warming her up with his embrace. He started to softly hum, helping Peach drift off to sleep. He looked down at her, and softly grins. "Sleep well, darling."

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