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A/N: Yay! Another short about Maggie! An OC of mine from one of the previous shorts, "Peach's Brother". This will dive into more of Maggie's back story. I still at some point wanna get another backstory chapter on here where we can see her meeting the lab gang and helping them escape. Also, MY BIRTHDAY IS IN TWO WEEKS!!! (May 2nd) I'M GONNA BE 17!!! YAY :DDDD Also on the day I'm publishing this, 4/20 will be tomorrow and then Easter! So happy 4/20! And happy Easter to you all! Hopefully I'll get a short out by the time my birthday comes. Maybe it'll even be birthday themed, you never know X3. Anyways, enjoy! <3

Maggie was in her room, not in the best of moods, doodling away whatever was on her mind on her tablet. She heard a knock on the door and Deb peaked her head through the door. "Maggie, sweetie. Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes. Just thought I'd let you know." "Okay, thank you." Maggie replied nonchalantly without moving her eyes from her tablet's screen. Deb was confused by this but decided not to go further, and nodded before closing the door behind her.

Once Maggie finishes the doodle, she realized that she was drawing her best friend. Jamie. And today was the anniversary of when she passed away. She had completely forgotten about the pain of loosing her best friend ever since the Tank Gang took her in. For the first time in years, she had people who were like a family to her. But she knew that there was still a hole in her heart that couldn't be filled. And that was Jamie. They had been best friends since elementary school.

Maggie was pretty lonely in elementary school, but once Jamie was placed in the same class, they started talking and became friends ever since. But then things changed day she got taken. She was in high school at the time. Maggie was waiting for Jamie at school like always but she wasn't there. She thought she took a sick day a shrugged it off. Once she got in the halls, she cane across some students hanging flowers and notes on Jamie's locker. Maggie asked why and then the students informed her of the news.

The night before, it turned out that Jamie was walking home from a local convenience store when some college boys came up to her and tried to rob her. She fought back, but sadly it didn't end well for her. One of the boys shoved Jamie to the ground and started stomping on her, the other boys then did the same until she stopped moving. They crushed her to death, and all for some money and food! Maggie refused to believe it so she ran down the halls and out the school building.

Security tried to stop her, but she was fast enough to get them to loose sight of her. She didn't stop after, she kept running until her legs gave out, and they eventually did. She then broke down and just sobbed harder than she has ever done in her life. Suddenly, she felt two arms around her that were dragging her into a van. Apparently she was hysterically crying in the middle of a busy street and people were either staring at her or calling to make a complaint and that's when these strange men in doctor's coats appeared. She didn't even try to struggle, she was too weak. When she was thrown into the van, she just passed out.

It was the most traumatic moment of her life. She lost her best friend, heck, her only friend before the Tank Gang and she wasn't even there to try and save her. Maggie started to cry again, placing her hands against her face, dreadfully muffling her wailing against her palms.

Meanwhile, the gang noticed that Maggie hasn't come out of her room for over twenty minutes. "What's taking the kid so long?" Gurgle asked. "Is she okay?" Asked Peach with worry. "I'll go see what's up." Before Gill could take a step, Maggie's door slammed open, and they could see her rushing down the stairs, tears streaming down her face. "Margret! Wha-" Gill tried to speak, before she shoves past him and bursts out the front door and into the night. Gill says nothing. He turns to Bloat. "Bloat. Open the garage door." He orders. Bloat nods and does so.

Gill rushes out the door and into the garage, pulling out his motorcycle. Peach follows him. "Gill, What are you doing!?" Gill didn't answer her question. He instead kisses her, before putting on his helmet, and driving out of the garage towards Maggie's direction. Peach stands there awkwardly with the rest of the gang. "Are we gonna stop him?" Asked Bubbles. "No... he knows what he's doing." Peach simply replies.

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