Past Lovers (Christmas 2020 Special Part 1/5)

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Note: Blanca is NOT an OC. She was a character that was gonna originally be in an old plot concept for the sequel of Finding Nemo back when it was originally going to be called Finding Nemo 2, but that storyline was scrapped so I thought I'd put her here because her character was really interesting.

Here's the script for that old storyline:

Actual OCs featured: Bluebell


Marlin and Dory finally had the entire house ready for their Christmas party the next night after days of cleaning and decorating

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Marlin and Dory finally had the entire house ready for their Christmas party the next night after days of cleaning and decorating. Dory wiped some sweat from her forehead as she admired her and her husband's hard work. "Phew. We're finally finished. Wish Fabio and Shantel were here to see this." "Don't worry, they'll be home soon." Marlin reassured. "I asked Gill to pick them up." "That's good, they'll get to see him and Leach before the party." Marlin laughed at Dory constantly getting the names wrong of her loved ones. "It's Peach, love." He corrected her. "Riiiiiight. I knew that." "Sure you did." Suddenly, Marlin's phone rang. It was from a number he didn't recognize. "Who's that, Marlin?" Asked Dory. "I don't know." He picked it up. "Hello? ... Blanca? ... Hey! How have you been!? Gosh, it's been how many years? ... Wow, that long huh? So what have you been up to? ... Uh huh ... Really!? That's great! I'm actually throwing a Christmas party tomorrow night. You wanna come? ... Great, I'll see you there. Okay, bye." "Who was that?" Dory asked as Marlin ended the call. "Oh, that was my old friend from high school, Blanca." "Blanca?" "Yeah, I haven't told you about her?" "No, you haven't.." Dory replied. "Or at least I think you haven't. Unless I forgot." "No I don't think you forgot. I probably didn't tell you. Well, she was one of Coral's bestfriends. She introduced me to Blanca one day and then we ended up becoming friends. It's funny, a week or two after I started dating Coral, Blanca told me she had a crush on me." Dory's eyes widened. "What?"

"Yeah, crazy right? But I told her I was already dating Coral. She understood and we both remained good friends." "Good friends.." Dory muttered with a tinge of jealousy. "But once we graduated high school we sorta lost touch. The last time I saw her was.. at Coral's funeral.." Marlin sighed again, shaking off the bad memories. "But I wonder what she's been up to these days. What kind of life she's living right now." "Yeah, I wonder too." He turned to Dory, who had a sad look on her face. "Hey, what's wrong honey?" "What? What do you mean? Did something happen?" Dory asked, forgetting the previous conversation. "You look like something's bothering you." Marlin recalled. Dory then remembered and shook her head. She didn't want to tell Marlin that she was jealous so she tried to hide it the best she could. "I-I'm just nervous about meeting Bianca is all." "Blanca." Marlin corrected. "And don't worry, sure she's just as neurotic as I am, if not MORE neurotic than I am. But Blanca's super sweet and caring once you get to know her. I think you'll like her." Dory gave Marlin a fake smile. "Yeah, I bet I will." Marlin chuckled. "There's the optimism I love so much about you." He then kissed her cheek. "Now, the only thing left to work on is the outdoor decorations. We better hurry if we want the place to be perfect for the party." With that, he took some of the lights and went outside. Dory frowned, the thought of Marlin with Blanca not leaving her mind. 'Come on, don't be such a Dory, Dory! The two didn't even get together in high school. And he's with you now so there's no way he'd leave you for her right? ... Right?' She thought. "Dory, you coming?" She heard Marlin calling for her from outside. "Y-yeah! I'm coming!" She quickly grabbed the ladder and exited the house.

"Oh good, you brought the ladder." Marlin then opens the ladder and steps onto it. "Okay, just carefully hold onto the bottom of the ladder while I hang up these lights. Got it?" "Yes sir." Dory held onto the ladder as tight as she could so it wouldn't move. Marlin nods before climbing up the ladder. Half an hour goes by and the two see Gill pulling up at their driveway. Nemo and Bluebell hop out of the car. "Mommy! Daddy!" Bluebell hugged Dory. "Woah cool! You're putting up the lights!" Nemo exclaimed in excitement. "I figured you would've hung them up earlier." Said Peach. "I know, but it was a hassle getting the tree and indoor decorations up." Explained Marlin. "Thankfully, Dory has been helping me along the way." "Yeah!" Dory chimed in. "I got to help make the cookies, put up the lights on the tree, hold the ladder for Marty-" "Um, Dory? Shouldn't you still be holding that ladder?" Asked Gill. Dory immediately realized she wasn't holding onto the ladder anymore. "Shoot!" She quickly grabbed it again, which caused the ladder to shake. "Dory! Be careful with th-" Marlin loses his balance and falls off the ladder. "AAAAAAH!" "Marlin!" Cried Dory. Marlin and the ladder were about to hit Peach, but Gill instinctively pushed her out of the way causing them to knock him into the snow instead. Marlin landed on top of Gill, their faces only inches apart. They blushed before immediately moving away from each other. Dory and Peach quickly helped their husbands up.

"Are you okay?" Asked Peach. "I'm so sorry, Marlin!" Dory apologized. Marlin gave her a small smile. "It's alright, I'm fine." "Speak for yourself, I'm freezing over here." Gill shivered from the snow that was now sprinkled all over him. Peach giggled, kissing his cheek. "Hopefully that keeps you warm until we get home. Thank you for saving me." "Of course, darling. I just hope I don't get sick before the party." "Yeah, I hope not." Nemo added. "You promised you'd perform a Christmas song tonight." Gill shook his head. "No, I don't think I said anything of the sort, Sharkbait." "Yes you did. It was while we were walking to your car. I asked if you were gonna play your guitar at our party and you said you might." Bluebell recalled. "Yeah, I said I MIGHT not I WILL. See, there's a difference." "Aww, Gill. Please? I wanna hear you play." Nemo begged. "I mean if you want to. You don't have to." Said Bluebell. "You guys know I'm not that open about my music." "Ooh! I can perform with you." Dory offered. "You can play the guitar and I can sing. That way most of everyone's attention will be on me." "That's actually not a bad idea." Said Marlin. Gill sighed. "You too, Marlin?" "What's the harm in playing one song?" Asked Peach "I'd be happy to get to hear you play again." Gill blushed, knowing he couldn't resist if Peach wanted him to perform. He glanced back at the kids and Dory. They were giving him their best puppy dog eyes. Gill laughed, now knowing he had no choice. "Fine. I don't see why not." "Yay!" The three cheered. "I'll even let you guys decide the song." He added. "But on one condition. Dory has to sing." Dory nods. "Sure! Ooh! How about we do Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree?" "Alright, it's a deal then." Gill and Dory shook hands. "Luckily I already know how to play that song." "This is gonna be so much fun!" Dory exclaimed happily.

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