Power Outage (Christmas Short 2019 2/5)

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Plot Summary: Marlin's trying to prep for the Christmas party with the help of Dory, Nemo, Bluebell, and his siblings Maya, Madeline and Mason

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Plot Summary: Marlin's trying to prep for the Christmas party with the help of Dory, Nemo, Bluebell, and his siblings Maya, Madeline and Mason. As Marlin, Nemo and Mason were working on the outside decorations, Mason accidentally spills a drink he had on one of the house's electrical outlets, causing the power from inside to go out. How will things be fixed in time for the party?

A/N: Wooo! We got one with Marlin and the family again :3 I feel like it was rushed at the end, but for the most part, I'm really proud of this one. This is the third one I managed to complete, yay! Enjoy, y'all! <3

OCs featured: Bluebell, Mason, Madeline, Maya (OCs mentioned, Peter, Charlotte and Tiffany)

"DAD! Wake up!" Marlin heard a high pitched voice scream before he felt something jump around on his bed. He woke up to find Nemo and Bluebell hopping around on the bed. "Today's the day of the party! We have to get ready for it!" Bluebell exclaimed excitedly. "Alright, I'm going. Meet me downstairs." The children nodded before leaving the room. Marlin stood up and took a deep breath, knowing today was going to be eventful. "Marty~!" He heard a familiar voice call. Dory entered Marlin's room with a warm cup of hot chocolate. "Morning, love. Made you some cocoa." He gave her a warm smile whilst taking the mug. "Thanks, sweetheart." Marlin pecked Dory's lips before taking a sip of the hot chocolate. Tonight was Marlin and Dory's Christmas party. The two host one at their place and invite everyone they know to it every year. This year, Dory had the idea to have a secret Santa event.

Before the party, everyone had to choose a random name and which ever one they got, they had to give a gift to that person at the party. Marlin got Bruce so he decided to get him little outfit for his bunny Nala. It was a small pirate outfit that even came with a little eye patch. Dory got Charlotte, so she decided to get her a mystery novel, since she loves literature of that sort. Once Marlin was finished wrapping the secret Santa gifts, he entered the kitchen to see Dory and the kids carefully taking the cookies out of the oven. Nemo sees his dad and leaps into his arms, Bluebell following behind. "Whoa, kids! Could you maybe take it easy with the embrace? I only got two arms you know." "Daddy! When's uncle Mason, aunt Madeline and aunt Maya coming?" "Maya told me she just picked up Madeline and Mason from the airport. They should be here at abou-" Marlin suddenly hears a knock at the door. "Or they could be here now." "I got it!"

Nemo ran to the door and leapt into Mason's open arms. "Uncle Mason! I missed you so much!" He chuckled, ruffling the kid's hair. "Heya, sport. How's life goin'?" "It's going great!" Maya knelt down and patted Bluebell on the head. "Hi aunt Maya." "Hello, Bluebell. How's Bella been doing?" She asked, referring to the stuffed fish in Bluebell's hands. "She's been good. She missed you, aunt Madeline and uncle Mason a lot." Maya giggled before hugging Bluebell. "I'm sure she did." Marlin came up to Mason and shook his hand. "Hey, Mason. Glad you and the others could make it." "Of course, Marlin. We wouldn't miss it for the world." Replied Madeline. Marlin chuckled, hugging her and Maya. "Hey Maya, where's Peter?" He asked. "Didn't you say he'd be here too?" Maya gave him a look of distress, but tried to hide it the best she could. "Well, uh, he wanted to see Peach so he's gonna arrive with his sister tonight." Marlin noticed Maya's stuttering, but decided not to question it further, passing it off as her just being her usual shy self.

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