Thank You

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Marlin woke up in an unfamiliar place. He wasn't in his bedroom, Dory nuzzled in his arms. It was almost like he was in the sky with clouds surrounding the area. He slowly stood up and looked around. "Hello? Is anyone here?" He stepped forward trying to get directions. "Marlin?" He heard a voice say. It sounded like a female. He moved closer to where the voice came from. "Marlin?" He heard again more louder. Once he got close enough, a figure came into view. Marlin squinted his eyes to get a better look, then opened his eyes once he realized who was calling his name. 'Is that? I-It can't be.' "Coral?" The figure turned to his direction and started to run towards him. "Marlin!" Tears started to form as he started to run as well. "Coral!" Once the two were inches apart, Marlin picked Coral up and hugged her like she never did before while twirling her around making her giggle.

"Look at you, you're as beautiful as the day I met you!" Coral blushed. Marlin then noticed something different. Coral had wings on her back and a halo glowing above her head. Millions of questions started to run through Marlin's mind. "W-Where am I? And how are you here? With wings and-" "You're in heaven, honey. Well technically in a dream." Coral explained. "So, I'm dreaming?" Coral nodded. "I brought you here because I wanted to let you know how proud I am of you." "What do you mean?" Asked Marlin. "I've been watching over you. From the moment you found out Nemo was still alive to now." Marlin's eyes widened, but then his shocked expression turned into a grateful smile. "I've also noticed you and Dory." Coral teased. Marlin blushed, knowing this had to be addressed. "So, you're okay with me dating her? I-I mean yes I love her but you will always be my wife and Nemo's real mother-" "Shh." Coral cut off Marlin's rambling.

"Yes, you have my permission, but never forget how much I love you." Marlin chuckled. "I will, I promise you." Coral smiled, kissing Marlin's cheek. "Thank you for taking care of our son." She whispered before hugging Marlin. He held back tears and hugged her back. Once they let go, Coral spoke up again. "You must go back now, you're about to wake up." "What?" Marlin asked before seeing everything fade away. "I love you, Marlin!" "I-I love you too, Coral!" He called out one last time. His eyes then shot open. "Come on, Dad, wake up! I'm gonna be late!" A young voice whined. Turns out Nemo was waiting with Dory for him to wake to so he could take him to school. "Alright I'm coming, you two wait in the living room." Marlin said, tiredness in his voice. "Okay, come on, Dory." Nemo rushed downstairs. "I'll be right there!" Dory called to him. She approached Marlin and kissed his cheek. Marlin grinned and the two shared a kiss on the lips. "Meet ya downstairs!" She said leaving the room. "Love ya!" Marlin chuckled. "Love you too!" Marlin the looked up to the sky and smiled.

"Thank you."

A/N: EEEEEEEEE I JUST HAD THIS IDEA AND I THOUGHT IT WOULD MAKE A GOOD TOUCHING BUT STILL ADORABLE CHAPTER X3 Ik it's short but it was meant to be a simple chapter filled with fluff and emotion. Hope you guys liked it!

~ Rxin3 ☔️💜

Finding Nemo/Finding Dory Human AU ShortsWhere stories live. Discover now