Past Lovers (Christmas 2020 Special Part 2/5)

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Note: Skully is NOT an OC. He was a character that was gonna originally be in an old plot concept for Finding Dory along with the Tank Gang, but that plot was scrapped so I thought I'd put him here because his character was really interesting.

Here's the deleted scenes if you are curious:

Actual OCs featured: Bluebell, (Mentioned: Peter)


Peach was finishing off her last shift at Nemo's school before winter break

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Peach was finishing off her last shift at Nemo's school before winter break. It was 10 minutes after the bell and she along with Nemo and Bluebell waited for Gill to pick them up. "Hey guys." Gill greeted as he entered the classroom. "Gill!" Nemo ran up to Gill and hugged him tightly, making him chuckle. "How was school, you two?" "It was great. We got to make ornaments to put on our Christmas tree." Bluebell said, holding up the ornament she made, Nemo doing the same.

" Bluebell said, holding up the ornament she made, Nemo doing the same

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(A/N: These are the ornaments Nemo and Bluebell made. The only difference is that the red one is supposed to be orange.)

"Wow, they look great." Gill complimented. "Thanks." Said Bluebell. "I can't wait to hang these up on our Christmas tree." Nemo chimed in. "We ready to go then?" Asked Peach as she grabbed her purse and folding cart. "Yep." Bluebell answered as they walked out of the classroom. While in the halls Peach gets a phone call. "Oh, Gill. Can you grab my phone?" She asked. "It's in my purse." "Sure." He reaches into her purse and fishes out her phone. Gill takes a glance at the caller ID and didn't recognize the number. He hands Peach her phone and she looks at the number. "Huh, odd. It's probably work related." She answered the call. "Hello? Mrs. Moorish speaking. ... *laughs* Skully! I'm surprised you remember my number. ... Gosh It's been years. What have you been up to? ... Really? Congratulations! How's that been working out for you? ... *chuckles* Well, as long as you're doing what you're passionate about, right? ... Yeah." "Who's Peach talking to, Gill?" Asked Nemo. "I'm not sure, Sharkbait. But it seems to me Peach knows this 'Skully' well." Bluebell noticed his unamused expression as he was listening to Peach's conversation with Skully. "Gill, are you jealous?" Gill blushed, shaking his head. "R-Ridicolo (Ridiculous). Why would I be jealous?" "Admit it, you're jealous of Skully aren't you?" Nemo teased. Gill rolled his eyes, ignoring Nemo continuing to taunt him while Bluebell tries to stop him. "Stupido. Molto stupido. (Stupid. Very stupid.)" He muttered under his breath.

"Okay, I'll see you then." Gill heard Peach hang up. "So uh, Peaches. I don't mean to sound nosy, but.. who was that?" "Oh, that was an old friend of mine, Skully. We uh.. used to date in high school." "Che cosa!? (What!?) You never told me you dated anyone before." "I did tell you I've dated people before, but I didn't specifically bring up Skully because I felt like I didn't need to." Peach explained. "Oh, right. So what were you guys talking about?" Asked Gill. "Skully decided to call me to catch up since we haven't talked in a while." "How long were you two.. together for..?" "Oh, we first dated in 10th grade. He was a well known kid at my school, like I was, but Skully was mostly known for being a member of the ROTC. He was also one of the only students beside myself that would actually stand up to the kids that would bully Peter. One day some boys were about to beat him up and one of them held me back, preventing me from trying to protect him. That was until Skully came in and rescued us. We thanked him and he became a good friend of ours. Since that day he'd kind of act as our bodyguard. Skully told me he wanted to become a military pilot once he got into college. He wanted to fight for not only what he believed in, but for those he cared about. That was what made me fall for him. A little while after that, we became a couple, and dated until after we graduated. We both decided to remain friends because even though we cared for one another, in the end we wanted different things in life. He wanted to be a pilot and I wanted to be a psychologist. Plus that old spark of romance we once had kind of faded once we graduated. But thankfully we kept in touch. That was.. until I was taken to Sydney.. Anyways, he called me to tell me he's coming to visit Peter and I for the holidays so we can catch up. And I thought it'd be a good idea to invite him to Marlin's Christmas party."

"Did you ask Marlin if that was okay?" Asked Gill. "No, but I can ask him now." Peach then texts Marlin, asking him if she could invite Skully to the party. A few moments later, she got a reply from him saying it was okay. "He said the more the merrier." She said. "I can't wait for you to meet Skully. I think you two will get a long well." "Yeah, I have no doubt." Gill replied with a tinge of jealousy. While they were walking toward the car, Bluebell spoke up. "Hey, Gill?" "Yeah, Bluejay?" "I was wondering. Will you play your guitar at our party tomorrow night?" She asked. "I don't know, I'm not really a fan of performing in front of a lot of people." "You should totally do it, Gill." Nemo suggested. "You'd do great." Gill grinned at Nemo's encouragement, ruffling the kid's hair. "I might consider it. We'll have to see." With that, they entered Gill's car and headed for Marlin's home. Once they reach the driveway they see Dory helping Marlin put up Christmas lights around the house. Nemo and Bluebell hop out of the car and run to their parents. "Mommy! Daddy!" Bluebell hugged Dory. "Woah cool! You're putting up the lights!" Nemo exclaimed in excitement. "I figured you would've hung them up earlier." Said Peach. "I know, but it was a hassle getting the tree and indoor decorations up." Explained Marlin. "Thankfully, Dory has been helping me along the way." "Yeah!" Dory chimed in. "I got to help make the cookies, put up the lights on the tree, hold the ladder for Marty-" "Um, Dory? Shouldn't you still be holding onto that ladder?" Asked Gill. Dory immediately realized she wasn't holding onto the ladder anymore. "Shoot!" She quickly grabbed it again, which caused the ladder to shake. "Dory! Be careful with th-" Marlin loses his balance and falls off the ladder. "AAAAAAH!" "Marlin!" Cried Dory. Marlin and the ladder were about to hit Peach, but Gill instinctively pushed her out of the way causing them to knock him into the snow instead. Marlin landed on top of Gill, their faces only inches apart. They blushed before immediately moving away from each other. Dory and Peach quickly helped their husbands up.

"Are you okay?" Asked Peach. "I'm so sorry, Marlin!" Dory apologized. Marlin gave her a small smile. "It's alright, I'm fine." "Speak for yourself, I'm freezing over here." Gill shivered from the snow that was now sprinkled all over him. Peach giggled, kissing his cheek. "Hopefully that keeps you warm until we get home. Thank you for saving me." "Of course, darling. I just hope I don't get sick before the party." "Yeah, I hope not." Nemo added. "You promised you'd perform a Christmas song tomorrow night." Gill shook his head. "No, I don't think I said anything of the sort, Sharkbait." "Yes you did. It was while we were walking to your car. I asked if you were gonna play your guitar at our party and you said you might." Bluebell recalled. "Yeah, I said I MIGHT not I WILL. See, there's a difference." "Aww, Gill. Please? I wanna hear you play." Nemo begged. "I mean if you want to. You don't have to." Said Bluebell. "You guys know I'm not that open about my music." "Ooh! I can perform with you." Dory offered. "You can play the guitar and I can sing. That way most of everyone's attention will be on me." "That's actually not a bad idea." Said Marlin. Gill sighed. "You too, Marlin?" "What's the harm in playing one song?" Asked Peach "I'd be happy to get to hear you play again." Gill blushed, knowing he couldn't resist if Peach wanted him to perform. He glanced back at the kids and Dory. They were giving him their best puppy dog eyes. Gill laughed, now knowing he had no choice. "Fine. I don't see why not." "Yay!" The three cheered. "I'll even let you guys decide the song." He added. "But on one condition. Dory has to sing the song." Dory nods. "Sure! Ooh! How about we do Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree?" "Alright, it's a deal then." Gill and Dory shook hands. "You're lucky I already know how to play that song." "This is gonna be so much fun!" Dory exclaimed happily. 'This is gonna suck.' Gill thought to himself.

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